Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description (Sample) |
sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code as term,
| TERM | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | TERM |
nopanel | true |
stvterm.stvterm_desc as semester,
| SEMESTER | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | SEMESTER |
nopanel | true |
spriden.spriden_id as studentid,
| STUDENTID | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | StudentIDBANNERID |
nopanel | true |
spbpers.spbpers_ssn as ssn,
| SSN | Insert excerpt |
| Common Data FieldsDefinitions |
| Common Data FieldsDefinitions |
name | SSN |
nopanel | true |
spriden.spriden_pidm as pidm,
| PIDMUp to 10-digit unique Banner id for student | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | PIDM |
nopanel | true |
spriden_last_name as LastName,
| LASTNAME | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | LASTNAME |
nopanel | true |
spriden_first_name as FirstName,
| FIRSTNAME | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | FIRSTNAME |
nopanel | true |
spriden_mi as MidInit,
| MIDINIT | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | MIDINIT |
nopanel | true |
nvl(spriden_last_name, '') || ', ' ||
nvl(spriden_first_name, '') || ' ' ||
nvl(spriden_mi, '') as studentname,
| STUDENTNAME | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
| Concatenation of Last, First Middle Initial (Smith, John A) |
spraddr.spraddr_street_line1 as address,
| ADDRESS | Address at the start of the record’s term |
spraddr.spraddr_city as city,
| CITY | City at the start of the record’s term |
spraddr.spraddr_stat_code as state,
| STATE | State at the start of the record’s term |
spraddr.spraddr_zip as zip,
| ZIP | Zip at the start of the record’s term |
decode(sprtele_phone_number, null, '', '(' || sprtele_phone_area || ') ' || sprtele_phone_number) as phone,
| PHONE | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | PHONE |
| Current phone number |
decode(f_sgbstdn_fields (spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code, 'STU_TYPE'), null, null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVSTYP',f_sgbstdn_fields (spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code,'STU_TYPE'),30),1,30) ) as status,
| STATUS | Description of Student Status. See the STVSTYP lookup table in the Appendix. This is the full description of the status, such as “Continuing Student”, “Returning Student”. . (Continuing Student, Returning Student) There is also the CAST code (shrttrm_cast_code) which is included at the end of the record. |
| PROGRAM | The Program of the Major |
| PROG_DEPT | Department code for student’s program |
| PROG_GE_PATTERN | Student’s GE pattern for programs |
| MAJOR_CODE | Numeric code for the student’s major |
substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVMAJR',SGBSTDN.SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1,30),1,30) as Major,
| MAJOR | Description of the MajorMAJOR_ CodeCODE |
substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVEGOL',SGBSTDN_EGOL_CODE,30),1,30) as Goal,
| GOAL | Uninformed Educational Goal . 50-char description. |
substr(f_get_serdtgl_eff_term(spriden.SPRIDEN_PIDM, sfbetrm.SFBETRM_TERM_CODE),1,6)
| GOAL_INFORMED_EFF_TERM | The term at which the Informed Goal codes became effective. |
substr( baninst1.cos_general_restr.f_aid_ind_from_stvmajor_code( sgbstdn.sgbstdn_majr_code_1, f_get_serdtgl_eff_term(spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code)), 1, 1)
| FIN_AID_IND_BY_MJR | This is a financial aid indicator based off of on the major code. Returns Y or N |
SUBSTR( baninst1.cos_general_restr.f_cte_ind_from_stvmajor_code( sgbstdn.sgbstdn_majr_code_1 ,f_get_serdtgl_eff_term(spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code)) ,1 ,1)
| CTE_IND_BY_MJR | This is a CTE indicator based off of on the major code. Returns Y or N. |
substr(f_get_serdtgl_codes(spriden.SPRIDEN_PIDM, sfbetrm.SFBETRM_TERM_CODE),1,10)
| GOAL_INFORMED_CODES | Most recent Informed Goal codes. Up to 10 codes, no delimiter. See Goal Codes in Appendix. |
| GENDER Info |
SPBPERS_SEX fed from CCCApply initially and can be overridden by manual entry. |
| GENDER | M F N Null Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | LEGALSEX |
nopanel | true |
spbpers.spbpers_birth_date as birthdate,
| BIRTHDATE | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | BIRTHDATE |
| datetime |
f_calculate_age(null,spbpers_birth_date, spbpers_dead_date) as age,
| AGE | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | AGE |
nopanel |
| float |
f_calculate_age(stvterm_end_date,spbpers_birth_date, spbpers_dead_date)
| AGEATTERM | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
name | AGEATTERM |
nopanel |
| Age at term |
| CENSUSAGEGROUP18-char description of age group: “35-39 years” | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
nopanel | true |
| MARITAL_CODE | D: Divorced M: Married N: Not Known P: Domestic Partner R: Separated S: Single W: Widowed Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
nopanel | true |
decode(spbpers_ethn_code,null,null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVETCT',(substr(f_get_ethn_category(spbpers_ethn_code,'ETCT'),1,1)),30),1,30))
| ETHNICITY | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions |
| Common Definitions |
nopanel | true |
decode(spbpers_ethn_cde, null, null, 1, 'Not Hispanic', 2, 'Hispanic')
| NEW_ETHNICITY | ‘Not Hispanic’, ‘Hispanic’, or blank |
SUBSTR (f_get_races (spriden_pidm), 1, 60)
| RACES | 2-character Race codes. May contain multiple values separated by a pipe character (|). See Race Codes in Appendix. |
SUBSTR (f_get_races_desc (spriden_pidm), 1, 1200)
| RACES_DESC | Race descriptions, multiple values separated by a pipe character (|). See Race Codes in Appendix. |
SUBSTR(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn(spriden_pidm), 1, 1)
| RACE_ETHN_CDE Anchor |
| race_ethn_cde |
| race_ethn_cde |
| Looks at the first character that is returned. Info |
IS_HEADER on COS_GEN.CODATAMART_RACE_ETHN_CROSSWALK table is an additional column to tell if GORPRAC race code is a header value. On CCCApply, a header value checkbox must be selected to be able to select values underneath that header. If a student has selected SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE = ‘2’ OR has select a number of races that equates ETHN_CODE to include ‘H’, then that student will be listed as Hispanic. If a student has selected a number of races WHERE SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE <> ‘2’ AND ETHN_CODE equates to 1 – 2 codes including ‘F’ and potentially ‘A’, AND the races that equate to ETHN_CODE = ‘A’ have IS_HEADER = ‘Y’, the student will be returned Filipino. If a student has selected a number of races WHERE SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE <> ‘2’ AND ETHN_CODE equates to 1 -2 codes including ‘A’ and potentially ‘F’, AND the races that equate to ETHN_CODE = ‘A’ have IS_HEADER <> ‘Y’ If a student has selected a number of races that equate to TWO or MORE unique ETHN_CODE values that DOES NOT include ‘H’ OR SPBPERS_ETHN_CODE <> ‘2’, the student will be returned as Multi-Ethnic. If a student has selected a number of races that equate to ONE ETHN_CODE AND SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE <> ‘2’, the student will be returned as derived ETHN_CODE Else Unknown
SUBSTR(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn_desc(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn(spriden_pidm)), 1, 30)
| race_ethn_cde_desc |
| race_ethn_cde_desc |