Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description or Sample | ||||||||||
| TERM Fall terms: %10 Spring terms: %20 Summer terms: %30 |
| ||||||||||
| SEQNO | Unique number for the application. In the case of term 200800 where 2 records are created, both records have the same SEQNO | ||||||||||
| PIDM | Up to 10-digit unique Banner id for student | ||||||||||
| STUDENTID | Banner ID (@12345678) | ||||||||||
| CAMPUS_CODE | see Campus Code in Appendix | ||||||||||
| FIRST_PASS_IND | Processing flag | ||||||||||
| DUPE_OK | Processing flag | ||||||||||
| CCCAPPLY_LOADED | When downloaded from CCCApply | ||||||||||
| BANNER_UPDATED | When processing completed | ||||||||||
| MAJR_CODE_1 | Major code from Saturn.STVMAJR.STVMAJR_CODE 197 majors | ||||||||||
| EGOL_CODE | See Educational Goal in Appendix | ||||||||||
| LASTNAME | |||||||||||
| NAME_SUFFIX | |||||||||||
| FIRSTNAME | |||||||||||
| NO_FIRST_IND | Indicator of no first name: 1 or null | ||||||||||
| MIDINIT | |||||||||||
| OTHER_LAST_NAME | |||||||||||
| OTHER_FIRST_NAME | |||||||||||
| SSN_SOURCE | SSN as entered | ||||||||||
| SSN | |||||||||||
| NO_SSN_IND | Indicator of no SSN: 1 or null | ||||||||||
| BIRTHDATE | |||||||||||
| SEX_SOURCE | Sex as entered | ||||||||||
| SEX | |||||||||||
| ETHN_CODE_SOURCE | Ethnicity code as entered (no longer used) | ||||||||||
| ETHN_CODE | See Ethnicity code in Appendix (no longer used) | ||||||||||
| STREET_LINE1_MA | Mailing address (all MA fields) | ||||||||||
| CITY_MA | |||||||||||
| STAT_CODE_MA | State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| ZIP_MA | |||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_MA | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| INTL_CODE_MA | Not in use | ||||||||||
| PARENT_LAST | |||||||||||
| PARENT_FIRST | |||||||||||
| RELT_CODE | Relationship to Parent: A: An Ex-spouse B: Brother C: Child D: Doctor E: Employer F: Father G: Grandparent M: Mother N: Neighbor O: Relative P: Spouse R: Friend S: Sister U: Guardian W: Domestic Partner X: Significant Other | ||||||||||
| PR_SAME_AS_MA | Primary address same as Mailing address | ||||||||||
| STREET_LINE1_PR | Primary address info (all PR fields) | ||||||||||
| CITY_PR | |||||||||||
| STAT_CODE_PR | State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| ZIP_PR | |||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_PR | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| INTL_CODE_PR | Not in use | ||||||||||
| PHONE_SOURCE | Phone as entered | ||||||||||
| PHONE_AREA | |||||||||||
| PHONE_NUMBER | |||||||||||
| PHONE_EXT | |||||||||||
| EMAIL_ADDRESS | |||||||||||
| STYP_CODE_SOURCE | Student Type Code as entered. | ||||||||||
| STYP_CODE | See Student Type Code in Appendix. | ||||||||||
| EDLV_CODE_SOURCE | Educational Level as entered | ||||||||||
| EDLV_YEAR | Year Educational Level achieved | ||||||||||
| EDLV_CODE | See Educational Level in Appendix | ||||||||||
| NAME_HSCH | Name of High School | ||||||||||
| NO_HSCH_ATTEND | No high School attended: 1 or null | ||||||||||
| CITY_HSCH | |||||||||||
| STAT_CODE_HSCH | State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_HSCH | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| SBGI_CODE_HSCH | Source Background Institution Code for High School. See STVSBGI table in Banner. | ||||||||||
| CEEB_CODE_HSCH | College Entrance Examination Board code | ||||||||||
| NAME_COLL_1 | Name of previous college attended | ||||||||||
| CITY_COLL_1 | |||||||||||
| STAT_CODE_COLL_1 | State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_COLL_1 | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| SBGI_CODE_COLL_1 | Source Background Institution Code for High School. See STVSBGI table in Banner. | ||||||||||
| CEEB_CODE_COLL_1 | College Entrance Examination Board code (not in use) | ||||||||||
| FROM_DATE_COLL_1 | |||||||||||
| TO_DATE_COLL_1 | |||||||||||
| NAME_COLL_2 | |||||||||||
| CITY_COLL_2 | |||||||||||
| STAT_CODE_COLL_2 | State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_COLL_2 | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| SBGI_CODE_COLL_2 | Source Background Institution Code for High School. See STVSBGI table in Banner. | ||||||||||
| CEEB_CODE_COLL_2 | College Entrance Examination Board code | ||||||||||
| FROM_DATE_COLL_2 | |||||||||||
| TO_DATE_COLL_2 | |||||||||||
| NAME_COLL_3 | |||||||||||
| CITY_COLL_3 | |||||||||||
| State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_COLL_3 | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| SBGI_CODE_COLL_3 | Source Background Institution Code for High School. See STVSBGI table in Banner. | ||||||||||
| CEEB_CODE_COLL_3 | College Entrance Examination Board code (not in use) | ||||||||||
| FROM_DATE_COLL_3 | |||||||||||
| TO_DATE_COLL_3 | |||||||||||
| NAME_COLL_4 | |||||||||||
| CITY_COLL_4 | |||||||||||
| STAT_CODE_COLL_4 | State code (see Appendix) | ||||||||||
| NATN_CODE_COLL_4 | 2 letter nation code. See STVNATN table in Banner | ||||||||||
| SBGI_CODE_COLL_4 | Source Background Institution Code for High School. See STVSBGI table in Banner. | ||||||||||
| CEEB_CODE_COLL_4 | College Entrance Examination Board code | ||||||||||
| FROM_DATE_COLL_4 | |||||||||||
| TO_DATE_COLL_4 | |||||||||||
| MORE_COLL_IND | Attended more than 4 other colleges: 1 or null | ||||||||||
| INELIG_IND | ? 0, 1, 2 or null | ||||||||||
| CITZ_CODE | See Citizen Code in Appendix | ||||||||||
| VISA_NUMBER | |||||||||||
| VTYP_CODE_SOURCE | VISA type code as entered | ||||||||||
| VTYP_CODE_CURRENT | see VISA type code in Appendix | ||||||||||
| VISA_ISSUE_DATE | |||||||||||
| VISA_EXPIRE_DATE | |||||||||||
| VISA_NO_EXP_DATE | 1 or null | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
| MILI_HOME_RECORD | |||||||||||
| MILI_HOME_NATN | |||||||||||
| MILI_IN_CA | |||||||||||
| MILI_IN_CA_ED | |||||||||||
| OVER_19_OR_MARR | Age 19 or married: 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| CA_RES_2_YEARS | California resident for 2 or more years: 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| CA_RES_DATE | |||||||||||
| NOT_CA_RES | 1 or null | ||||||||||
| INTEND_PR_CA_RES | 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| CCC_EMP_DEPEND | Dependent of California Community College employee: 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| PUB_SCH_CRED_EMP | Public School Credential Employee: 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| SEAS_AGR_EMP_DEP | Seasonal Agricultural Employee Dependent: 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| CA_NONRES_TAX | 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| REG_VOTE_NON_CA | 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| RES_STD_NON_CA | 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| LAWSUIT_NON_CA | 0, 1, null | ||||||||||
| RESD_CODE_SOURCE | Residency code as entered | ||||||||||
| RESD_CODE | See Residency code in Appendix | ||||||||||
| RESD_STAT_CHANGE | Residency Status Change: Null | ||||||||||
| PREV_RESD_DATE | Previous Residency Date: Null | ||||||||||
| LANG_CODE_SOURCE | Language code as entered | ||||||||||
| LANG_CODE | Language code: E: English N: NOT English X: Unknown | ||||||||||
| FIN_AID_INFO | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| TANF_SSI_GENASST | Welfare flag: Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_ACAD_COUNS | Interested in academic counseling: Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_ATHLETICS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_BASIC_SKILLS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_CALWORKS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_CAREER_PLNG | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_CHILD_CARE | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_COUNS_PERS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_DSPS | Disable Student Services: Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_EOPS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_ESL | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_HEALTH_SVCS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_HOUSING | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_JOB_PLCMNT | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_ONLINE_CLS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_RE_ENTRY | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_SCHOLARSHIPS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_STUDENT_GOVT | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_TESTING | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_TRANSFER | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_TUTORING | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| INT_VET_SVCS | Veteran Services: Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| FIN_AID_REFER | Financial aid referral: Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| CONSENT_IND | Null, 0 ,1 | ||||||||||
| CITZ_RESD_OVER | Citizen Residence Override (processing flag): Null, Y, N | ||||||||||
| MORE_DATA_IND | More data indicator: N, Y, null | ||||||||||
| MORE_EMAIL_SENT | Y, null | ||||||||||
| PROC_EMAIL_SENT | Old flag: not used | ||||||||||
| REVIEW_IND | N, Y | ||||||||||
| ERR_SPRIDEN | Errors / Statuses in processing. Codes come from GTVSDAX. | ||||||||||
| ERR_SPBPERS | |||||||||||
| ERR_SPRADDR_MA | |||||||||||
| ERR_SPRADDR_PR | |||||||||||
| ERR_SPRTELE | |||||||||||
| ERR_SPRINTL | |||||||||||
| ERR_SORFOLK | |||||||||||
| ERR_SARADAP | |||||||||||
| ERR_SGBSTDN | |||||||||||
| ERR_SORHSCH | |||||||||||
| ERR_SORPCOL_1 | |||||||||||
| ERR_SORPCOL_2 | |||||||||||
| ERR_SORPCOL_3 | |||||||||||
| ERR_SORPCOL_4 | |||||||||||
| ERR_GOREMAL | |||||||||||
| ERR_GOBTPAC | |||||||||||
| DISPLACED_HOM | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| CALWORKS | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| SSI | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| GEN_ASSIST | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| SINGLE_PARENT | Null, 1 | ||||||||||
| WORK_AREA_CODE | |||||||||||
| WORK_PHONE | |||||||||||
| WORK_EXT | |||||||||||
| FOREST_SER | Null, 0, 1 | ||||||||||
| LIVE_FOREST | Null, 0, 1 | ||||||||||
| FULL_TIME | Attending Full-time: Null, 0, 1 | ||||||||||
| GRAD_CA_HS | Null, 0, 1 | ||||||||||
| ATTEND_CA_HS | Null, 0, 1 | ||||||||||
| HS_GRAD_DATE | |||||||||||
| AB540_ELIG | Null, 0, 1 | ||||||||||
| MARITAL_STAT | I: M: married U: unmarried X: Null | ||||||||||
| ORA_ERR_NUM | Oracle error | ||||||||||
| ORA_ERR_MESG | Oracle error | ||||||||||
| ORA_ERR_LOC | Oracle error | ||||||||||
| HS_ED_LEVEL | |||||||||||
| HIGHER_ED_LEVEL | |||||||||||
| HIGHER_ED_DATE | |||||||||||
| PHONE_2_SOURCE | Phone number as entered | ||||||||||
| PHONE_2_AREA | |||||||||||
| PHONE_2_NUMBER | |||||||||||
| PHONE_2_EXT | |||||||||||
| MA_NON_US_ST | Mailing non-U.S. State | ||||||||||
| MA_INTL_CODE | |||||||||||
| PR_NON_US_ST | Primary non-U.S. State | ||||||||||
| PR_INTL_CODE | |||||||||||
| CONFIRM_NUMBER | Number given to applicant for applying using CCCApply | ||||||||||
| COLL_1_DEGR_TYPE | First college degree type: A: Associates Degree (AA or AS) B: Bachelor’s Degree or higher (this includes BA, BS, Masters, Doctorates)C: Certificate | ||||||||||
| COLL_1_DEGR_DATE | First college degree date | ||||||||||
| COLL_2_DEGR_TYPE | |||||||||||
| COLL_2_DEGR_DATE | |||||||||||
| COLL_3_DEGR_TYPE | |||||||||||
| COLL_3_DEGR_DATE | |||||||||||
| COLL_4_DEGR_TYPE | |||||||||||
| COLL_4_DEGR_DATE | |||||||||||
| ENROLL_STATUS | |||||||||||
| INTEGRITY_FLAGS | Processing flags that CCCApply uses | ||||||||||
PAPERAPP_FLAG | True if this is a paper application, null for a CCCApply application | |||||||||||
| APDC_CODE | Application Decision Code: AA: Applicant Acceptance AR: Application Rejected NM: Non-matriculated QE: Quick Entry | ||||||||||
| ETHNICITY | Ethnicity description (old) 40 character description of SPBPERS_ETHN_CODE coming from STVETCT_DESC | ||||||||||
References | NEW_ETHNICITY | Ethnicity description using new values established in 2009. ‘Hispanic or Latino’, ‘Not Hispanic or Latino’, or ‘None’ | ||||||||||
F_get_races takes in the PIDM and searches both GORPRAC and GORRACE and returns the race codes inside of those tables for the PIDM. | RACES | 20 possible race codes, each separated by a pipe (|). Each code is up to 2 characters in length, with a period (.) being used as the 2nd character when the code has only one character (like W. for White) | ||||||||||
f_get_races_desc takes in the PIDM returns the race description found in GORPRAC and GORRACE | RACES_DESC | Descriptions of the codes in the RACES field. Again, separated by a pipe. | ||||||||||
| CALC_RACE_ETHN | An ethnicity derived from Ethnicity, New Ethnicity, Visa Type, and Race information of the student. This is a calculation provided by Tim Garner and Ryan Barry-Souza of the Research department. | ||||||||||
| CALC_RACE_ETHN_CDE | The Result of the above logic. The first letter of the result. Existing values: NULL 2 A B H N P W X |