Question | Field Name | Field Type | Banner Integration |
First Name | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_01 to szrccap_EMER_FIRST_NAME | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): SPREMRG_FIRST_NAMESPREMRG_FIRST_NAME |
Last Name | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_02to szrccap_EMER_FIRST_NAME | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Area Code | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_03 to szrccap_EMER_PHONE_AREA | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Phone | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_04 to szrccap_EMER_PHONE_NUMBER | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Extension | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_05 to szrccap_EMER_PHONE_EXT | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Address Line 1 | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_06 to szrccap_EMER_STREET_LINE1 | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Address Line 2 | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_07 to szrccap_EMER_STREET_LINE2 | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
City | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_08 to szrccap_EMER_CITY | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Zip | SZRAPLY.SUPP_TEXT_09 to szrccap_EMER_ZIP | Text box Note |
Unvalidated; user can enter blatantly false data. |
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Their relationship to you: | SZRAPLY.SUPP_MENU_01 to szrccap_EMER_RELT_CODE | Dropdown: Mother Father Spuse Brother Sister Ex-spouse Grandparent Relative Guardian Domestic Partner Significant Other Child Doctor Employer Neighbor Friend
| Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts: rship input parameter ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
State | SZRAPLY.SUPP_STATE_01 to szrccap_EMER_STAT_CODE | Dropdown States (and Territories, Armed Forces) | Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |
Countries | SZRAPLY.SUPP_COUNTRY_01 to szrccap_EMER_NATN_CODE | Dropdown | Inserted into Banner through the procedure (cos_updateemrgcontacts ), which calls the Ellucian API (gb_emergency_contact.p_create). Data can be found on the following form (SPAIDEN > Emergency Contact Tab): |