DW Field | Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description (Sample) |
TERM | sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code as term,
| TERM | Insert excerpt |
| Common Definitions | Common Definitions |
name | TERM |
nopanel | truehttps://sequoias.atlassian.net/browse/GOVPUB-10SEMESTER | stvterm.stvterm_desc as semester,
| SEMESTER | Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
nopanel | true |
STUDENTID | spriden.spriden_id as studentid,
| STUDENTID | Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | StudentIDSTUDENTID |
nopanel | true |
SSN | spbpers.spbpers_ssn as ssn, SSN
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Data FieldsDefinitions |
| BF:Common Data FieldsDefinitions |
name | SSN |
nopanel | true |
PIDM | spriden.spriden_pidm as pidm,
| PIDM | Up to 10-digit unique Banner id for student Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | PIDM |
nopanel | true |
LASTNAME | spriden_last_name as LastName,
| LASTNAME | Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | LASTNAME |
nopanel | true |
FIRSTNAME | spriden_first_name as FirstName,
| FIRSTNAME | Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | FIRSTNAME |
nopanel | true |
MIDINIT | spriden_mi as MidInit,
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | MIDINIT |
| |
STUDENTNAME | nvl(spriden_last_name, '') || ', ' ||
nvl(spriden_first_name, '') || ' ' ||
nvl(spriden_mi, '') as studentname,
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| Concatenation of Last, First Middle Initial (Smith, John A) |
ADDRESS | spraddr.spraddr_street_line1 as address, ADDRESS
| Address at the start of the record’s term |
CITY | spraddr.spraddr_city as city,
| CITY | City at the start of the record’s term |
STATE | spraddr.spraddr_stat_code as state, STATE
| State at the start of the record’s term |
ZIP | spraddr.spraddr_zip as zip,
| ZIP | Zip at the start of the record’s term |
PHONE | decode(sprtele_phone_number, null, '', '(' || sprtele_phone_area || ') ' || sprtele_phone_number) as phone,
| PHONE | Current phone number Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | PHONE |
nopanel | true |
STATUS | decode(f_sgbstdn_fields (spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code, 'STU_TYPE'), null, null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVSTYP',f_sgbstdn_fields (spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code,'STU_TYPE'),30),1,30) ) as status, STATUS
| Description of Student Status. See the STVSTYP lookup table in the Appendix. This is the full description of the status, such as “Continuing Student”, “Returning Student”. . (Continuing Student, Returning Student) There is also the CAST code (shrttrm_cast_code) which is included at the end of the record. |
| PROGRAM | The Program program of the Majormajor |
| PROG_DEPT | Department code for student’s program Has snapshot data on SGASTDN instead of the maintained data on SOACURR. |
| Student’s GE pattern for programs |
| MAJOR_CODE | Numeric code for the student’s major |
MAJOR | substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVMAJR',SGBSTDN.SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1,30),1,30) as Major,
| MAJOR | Description of the MajorMAJOR_ CodeCODE |
GOAL | substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVEGOL',SGBSTDN_EGOL_CODE,30),1,30) as Goal,
| Uninformed Educational Goal. 50-char description. Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name |
| GOAL | EDUCATIONAL_GOAL | nopanel | true |
GOAL_INFORMED_EFF_TERM | substr(f_get_serdtgl_eff_term(spriden.SPRIDEN_PIDM, sfbetrm.SFBETRM_TERM_CODE),1,6)
| GOAL_INFORMED_EFF_TERM | The term at which the Informed Goal codes became effective. |
FIN_AID_IND_BY_MJR | substr( baninst1.cos_general_restr.f_aid_ind_from_stvmajor_code( sgbstdn.sgbstdn_majr_code_1, f_get_serdtgl_eff_term(spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code)), 1, 1)
| FIN_AID_IND_BY_MJR | This is a financial aid Financial Aid indicator based off of on the major code. Returns Y or N ('Y', 'N') |
CTE_IND_BY_MJR | SUBSTR( baninst1.cos_general_restr.f_cte_ind_from_stvmajor_code( sgbstdn.sgbstdn_majr_code_1 ,f_get_serdtgl_eff_term(spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code)) ,1 ,1)
| CTE_IND_BY_MJR | This is a CTE indicator based off of on the major code. Returns Y or N. ('Y', 'N') |
GOAL_INFORMED_CODES | substr(f_get_serdtgl_codes(spriden.SPRIDEN_PIDM, sfbetrm.SFBETRM_TERM_CODE),1,10)
GOAL_INFORMED_CODES | Most recent Informed Goal codes. Up to 10 codes, no delimiter. See Goal Codes in Appendix. You can use the following SQL code snippet in Snowflake to see the validation table as of yesterday. Code Block |
Info | SPBPERS_SEX fed from CCCApply initially and can be overridden by manual entry. | Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | GENDER |
| MF |
N NullBIRTHDATE | spbpers.spbpers_birth_date as birthdate,
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | BIRTHDATE |
nopanel | true |
datetimeAGE | f_calculate_age(null,spbpers_birth_date, spbpers_dead_date) as age,
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | AGE |
nopanel | true |
floatAGEATTERM | f_calculate_age(stvterm_end_date,spbpers_birth_date, spbpers_dead_date)
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | AGEATTERM |
| Age at term |
CENSUSAGEGROUP | substr(baninst1.cos_fw_census_age_categ(sfbetrm_term_code,spbpers_birth_date,spbpers_dead_date),1,18)
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| 18-char description of age group: “35-39 years” |
| MARITAL_CODE | D: Divorced M: Married N: Not Known P: Domestic Partner R: Separated S: Single W: Widowed Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
nopanel | true |
ETHNICITY | decode(spbpers_ethn_code,null,null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVETCT',(substr(f_get_ethn_category(spbpers_ethn_code,'ETCT'),1,1)),30),1,30)) ETHNICITY
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Data FieldsDefinitions |
| BF:Common Data FieldsDefinitions |
nopanel | true |
NEW_ETHNICITY | decode(spbpers_ethn_cde, null, null, 1, 'Not Hispanic', 2, 'Hispanic')
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| ‘Not Hispanic’, ‘Hispanic’, or blank |
RACES | SUBSTR (f_get_races (spriden_pidm), 1, 60)
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | RACES |
| 2-character Race codes. May contain multiple values separated by a pipe character (|). See Race Codes in Appendix. |
RACES_DESC | SUBSTR (f_get_races_desc (spriden_pidm), 1, 1200)
| RACES_DESC | Race descriptions, multiple values separated by a pipe character (|). See Race Codes in Appendix. | SUBSTR(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn(spriden_pidm), 1, 1)
| Description of RACES code(s). Pipe '|' delimited. |
| race_ethn_cde |
| race_ethn_cde |
Looks at the first character that is returned. Info |
IS_HEADER on COS_GEN.CODATAMART_RACE_ETHN_CROSSWALK table is an additional column to tell if GORPRAC race code is a header value. On CCCApply, a header value checkbox must be selected to be able to select values underneath that header. If a student has selected SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE = ‘2’ OR has select a number of races that equates ETHN_CODE to include ‘H’, then that student will be listed as Hispanic. If a student has selected a number of races WHERE SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE <> ‘2’ AND ETHN_CODE equates to 1 – 2 codes including ‘F’ and potentially ‘A’, AND the races that equate to ETHN_CODE = ‘A’ have IS_HEADER = ‘Y’, the student will be returned Filipino. If a student has selected a number of races WHERE SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE <> ‘2’ AND ETHN_CODE equates to 1 -2 codes including ‘A’ and potentially ‘F’, AND the races that equate to ETHN_CODE = ‘A’ have IS_HEADER <> ‘Y’ If a student has selected a number of races that equate to TWO or MORE unique ETHN_CODE values that DOES NOT include ‘H’ OR SPBPERS_ETHN_CODE <> ‘2’, the student will be returned as Multi-Ethnic. If a student has selected a number of races that equate to ONE ETHN_CODE AND SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE <> ‘2’, the student will be returned as derived ETHN_CODE | Else Unknown SUBSTR(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn(spriden_pidm), 1, 1)
| Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | RACE_ETHN_CDE |
nopanel | true |
| race_ethn_cde_desc |
| race_ethn_cde_desc |
| SUBSTR(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn_desc(REPORTSNET.f_get_race_ethn(spriden_pidm)), 1, 30)
| race_ethn_cde_desc | race_ethn_cde_desc | Race description according to Insert excerpt |
| BF:Common Definitions |
| BF:Common Definitions |
name | RACE_ETHN_CDE |