This group would be called the Data Management Council.
Guiding Principles
Inspired by (Hopper, 2022) and (Meteyer, 2021)
Data Accuracy and Integrity:
Principle: We prioritize the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data throughout its lifecycle.
Rationale: High-quality data is critical for informed decision-making and maintaining credibility.
Transparency and Accountability:
Principle: We commit to transparency in our data processes and hold ourselves accountable for data management.
Rationale: This approach builds trust and supports compliance.
Collaboration and Inclusivity:
Principle: We foster collaboration and ensure inclusivity in data-related decisions.
Rationale: This enhances effectiveness and incorporates diverse perspectives.
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram Framework diagram inspired by (Hopper, 2022)
Roles and Responsibilities
Inspired by (The complete guide to data governance roles and responsibilities, 2021)
Drawio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diagram inspired by (Ozturk, 2015)
1. Feasibility Assessment: Research and Applications staff assess each request to determine if it falls within the data governance scope and can be realistically implemented.
3. Business Specifications Completion: In cases of incomplete business specifications, the relevant staff and the originating constituents are responsible for collaborating to finalize these specifications on an as-needed basis.
References providing ideas and inspiration for the COS Data Governance model
Business Procedures Manual | 12.2 Governance Structure | University System of Georgia. (n.d.).
http://Wwwwww.usg.edu. Retrieved December 6, 2023, from https://www.usg.edu/business_procedures_manual/section12/C2819
Data Governance Manual 2016 The Data Governance Manual outlines the purpose, structure, goals,
participants, and responsibilities of OSDE’s Data Governance Program. (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2023, from https://sde.ok.gov/sites/ok.gov.sde/files/Data Governance Program Manual 03112016.pdf
Data Governance. (n.d.). Arcadia University. Retrieved December 6, 2023, from
Data Governance Model. (2020, January 21). http://www.swarthmore.edu .
Firican, G. (2021, December 20). Why data governance is a must for any organization. LightsOnData.
Firican, G. (2023, May 17). The importance and benefits of data ownership in data governance. LightsOnData.
Hopper, A. M. (2022). Practitioner’s Guide To Operationalizing Data Governance. John Wiley & Sons.
Kimachia, K. (2022, September 8). An overview of data governance frameworks. TechRepublic.
Meteyer, J. (2021, November 17). Data Governance - History, Present, and Future. Vimeo.
Office of the Provost. (n.d.). Definitions: Data Governance and Data Domains - University of Rochester. Office
of the Provost. Retrieved December 6, 2023, from https://www.rochester.edu/provost/university-data/data-governance-overview/what-is-data-governance/
Ozturk, M. (2015). Partnership for Success: Geeks, Nerds and Techies Collaborate. College of the Sequoias.
The complete guide to data governance roles and responsibilities. (2021, November 22). LightsOnData.
The Current State of Data Governance in Higher Education. (n.d.). http://Www.researchgate.net .
Welcome to Data Governance! - University of Maine System. (n.d.). Data Governance.
Who belongs on a high-performance data governance team? | TechTarget. (n.d.). Data Management.
Retrieved December 6, 2023, from https://www.techtarget.com/searchdatamanagement/feature/Who-belongs-on-a-high-performance-data-governance-team