Each record describes a student who has applied to graduate or has actually graduated with a degree. There may be multiple student records for the same term since a student can apply for and be awarded more than one degree for a term. An important field in this table is STATUS which contains a 2-letter code: an ‘AW’ means the student graduated with a degree; a ‘CT’ means the student graduated with a certificate; other values for STATUS are described in the table below.
For example, these records show 3 certificates achieved by the student for the same term (not all columns shown):
200620101462Rapozo, Kristina KCTCERFCT-PARALEG220Paralegal29
200620101462Rapozo, Kristina KCTCERECT-LAWCLK221Law Office Clerk/Rec29
200620101462Rapozo, Kristina KCTCERECT-LEGDOC222Legal Secretary29
To see a list of only students with the STATUS of ‘AW’ (graduated with a degree), use the view vStudentGradDegree. This view contains all of the same fields as the table StudentGraduates.
Oracle source: ReportsNet.Student_Graduated view
Oracle objects: BANINST1.cos_sv_graduation view (spraddr, spriden, SHRDGMR, STVTERM, SORHSCH, spbpers)
Updated: nightly
Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description or Sample |
SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_TERM_CODE_GRAD | TERM | 200710 (Fall = 10, Spring = 20, Summer = 30) |
nvl(spriden_last_name, '') || ', ' || nvl(spriden_first_name, '') || ' ' || nvl(spriden_mi, '') | STUDENTNAME | Concatenation of Last, First Middle init (Smith, John A) |
SPRIDEN.SPRIDEN_ID | STUDENTID | Banner Id (@12345678) |
COS_F_GET_LGPA(SPRIDEN_PIDM,'UG','I') | COS_GPA | GPA for classes taken at COS |
SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_DEGS_CODE | STATUS | Code from STVDEGS: AW: Graduated with degree CT: Certificate of Achievement PN: Pending SC: Skill Cert CCCCO Aproved SK: Skill Cert Not CCCCO Aproved SO: Sought |
SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_DEGC_CODE | DEGREE_CODE | Type of degree: 000000: Undeclared AA: Associate of Arts AS: Associate in Science BA: Bachelor of Arts BS: Bachelor of Science BSN: BS in Nursing CERE: Certificate, 6 to 17 units CERF: Certificate, 60+ units CERL: Certificate, 18 to 29 units CERO: Other Credit, under 6 units CERT: Certificate, 30 to 59 units CPR: CPR Certification EDD: Doctor of Education JD: Juris Doctor MA: Master of Arts MBA: Master of Business Admin. MD: Doctor of Medicine MED: Master of Education MFA: Master of Fine Arts MS: Master of Science MSW: Master of Social Work NCRG: Non Credit under 48 hours NCRH: Non Credit 48 to 95 hours NCRI: Non Credit 96 to 143 hours NCRJ: Non Credit 144 to 191 hours NCRK: Non Credit 192 to 287 hours NCRP: Non Credit 288 to 479 hours NCRQ: Non Credit 488 to 959 hours NCRR: Non Credit over 960 hours PHD: Doctor of Philosophy |
SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_PROGRAM | PROGRAM | See Saturn.Smpprle.Smpprle_Program 153 programs. Example: AA-LIBARTS |
SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_MAJR_CODE_1 | MAJOR | Major code from Saturn.STVMAJR.STVMAJR_CODE 197 majors |
Substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVMAJR',SHRDGMR.SHRDGMR_MAJR_CODE_1,30),1,30) | MAJOR_DESC | Description of Major |
SUBSTR(BANINST1.COS_GENERAL_RESTR.f_aid_ind_from_stvmajor_code(g.MAJOR, G.TERM_CODE), 1, 1) | FIN_AID_IND_BY_MJR | This indicates whether the major is financial aid eligible. Returns Y or N. ryanwh 12.11.2014 |
SUBSTR(BANINST1.COS_GENERAL_RESTR.f_cte_ind_from_stvmajor_code(g.MAJOR, G.TERM_CODE), 1, 1) | CTE_IND_BY_MJR | This indicates whether the top code of the major identifies it as a CTE program. Returns Y or N. ryanwh 12.11.2014. |
decode(SORHSCH.SORHSCH_SBGI_CODE, null, null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVSBGI',SORHSCH.SORHSCH_SBGI_CODE,30),1,30) ) | HS_DESC | Description of HS_CODE |
SORHSCH.SORHSCH_GRADUATION_DATE | HS_GRAD_DATE | Date of graduation from high school |
f_calculate_age(stvterm_end_date,spbpers_birth_date, spbpers_dead_date) | AGE_AT_END_TERM | Age of student at end of term |
shrdgmr.SHRDGMR_DEPT_CODE | DEPT | Department of the Major: From STVDEPT Oracle table. 4-char department code. |
decode(shrdgmr.SHRDGMR_DEPT_CODE, null, null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVDEPT',shrdgmr.SHRDGMR_DEPT_CODE,30),1,30)) | DEPT_DESC | Descrition of Dept |
PIDM | PIDM | Unique identifier for the student in Banner |
stvmajr_cipc_code | CIPC_CODE | CIP code for the Major |
stvmajr_tops_code | TOPS_CODE | TOPS code for the Major |
Gets data from SPBPERS_SEX AS Gender | GENDER | Gender of student |
nvl( decode( spbpers_ethn_code, null, '', substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVETCT', (substr(f_get_ethn_category(spbpers_ethn_code, 'ETCT'), 1, 1)), 30), 1, 30)), '') | ETHNICITY | 40-char description of spbpers_ethn_code, coming from STVETCT: 1 Black Non-Hispanic 2 Am. Indian or Alaskan Native 3 Asian or Pacific Islander 4 Hispanic |