Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH)
Weekly Contact Hours multiplied by the number of students in the section.
Student Attendance Accounting Manual (SAAM), T5 58010, T5 58782
Term Length Multiplier (TLM)
Number of weeks of instruction in a full term primary (fall/spring) section. Managed through the academic calendar development. The standard Term Length Multiplier is 17.5 weeks.
Daily Student Contact Hours (DSCH)
Daily Contact Hours multiplied by the Number of Students in the section.
Student Attendance Accounting Manual (SAAM), T5 58003.1(d),(g), T5 58003.1(b),(f)(1), T5 58782
Course Length Multiplier (CLM)
Number of days the section is scheduled to meet.
Positive Attendance Hours or Actual Attendance Hours (PAH)
Actual hour count of enrolled students present at each class meeting.
Student Attendance Accounting Manual (SAAM), T5 58003.1(d),(g), T5 58010
Total Student Contact Hours (TSCH)
The amount of student contact hours by section. TSCH is irrespective of the type of attendance method required of the section.
Actual Full-Time Equivalent Student (Actual FTES)
Is a measurement defined by the state and derived by 1 student taking 15 contact hours of instruction per week for 2 semesters of 17.5 weeks long. More succinctly, 1 FTES = 525 Total Student Contact Hours.
FTES = TSCH / 525
Student Attendance Accounting Manual (SAAM), 2019 IEPI SEM Program
320 Full-Time Equivalent Student (320 FTES)
Actual FTES where the student is a resident, where they aren't a high school student in too many PE credits, where they didn't drop prior to census and where RPT_EXCLUD isn't applicable.