Common alias for Sequoias CCD has a preceding Summer Academic Calendar. Sequoias CCD has a preceding Summer Academic Calendar.
Semester YYYY is the typical format for how this description field is populated. (Spring 2022) |
Commonly Referred to as Banner ID. This is a unique ID per person/non-person that begins with the “@” symbol. This is PII, but widely used as the least bad option where COS Employees have “legitimate educational interest.” |
Social Security numbers are issued by the Social Security Administration to U.S. citizens and other residents.
Personal Identification Master Key is a unique ID number per person/non-person in Banner.
Is not display on Banner forms and is not normally visible to users. Is not display on Banner forms and is not normally visible to users. |
A person’s legal surname.
A person’s legal first name.
A person’s middle name (not just their middle initial).
Concatenation of |
Current phone number. Concatenation of Area Code and Phone Number ((559) 8675309) |
Allowed values of Male, Female, and Not Available (defaults to null).
Legal date of birth. Often populated off CCCApply Application or manual entry by Human Resources. |
Current age of person. |
Person’s age at term. |
Description of age group person was in at term census. (Less than 20 years, 20-24 years, 25-29 years, 30-34 years, 35-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 or more years) |
A person’s state of being married or not married.
User’s ethnicity as it relates to Hispanic or Latino. Banner codes are converted to text for ease of use.
Ethnicity and ancestry groups that the user identified with. 2 character codes, pipe '|' delimited.
This is PII: |
Intended to locally replicate the Race/Ethnicity groups shown on the CCCCO Data Mart system.
This is distinct from IPEDS. There is no CCCCO Data Mart methodology documented. This is distinct from IPEDS. There is no CCCCO Data Mart methodology documented. See |
Race description according to RACE_ETHN_CDE and |
Description of High School attended.
Most recent English (LE) placement score. Historically meant what test score they received and how that applied to ENGL 251 eligibility. Historically meant what test score they received and how that applied to ENGL 251 eligibility. |
Date of Historically meant when a student took a test. Historically meant when a student took a test. |
An area of study that a student chooses; often times supported by an academic counselor. |
Student’s stated goal for applying. Happens during application process and overwhelmingly without counselor guidance. |
Email address provided by the student and not created or supported by the college.
Number of students enrolled in a section before and on the section Census date. Census Enroll number is locked after Census date has passed. Census Enroll number is locked after Census date has passed.
All college work is measured in terms of both quantity and quality. Grades (grade symbols) relate to Grade Points and are defined in detail in the COS Catalog. Treat any grade that begins with “I%” as incomplete. Student Services runs an incomplete grade process one year later at the end of the term. “I” grades at that time turn to F. “I%” grades turn into the second character at that time. Treat any grade that begins with “I%” as incomplete. Student Services runs an incomplete grade process one year later at the end of the term. “I” grades at that time turn to F. “I%” grades turn into the second character at that time.
Flag representing a person’s desire to retain information confidentially.
Describes the employee type in a more detail than Employee Group.
Naming Convention:
A broader classification of employees than “Employee Class.”
Has a linkage to MIS reporting. Has a linkage to MIS reporting. |
Personal Identifiable Information refers to data that directly, or indirectly, distinguishes an individual’s identity with, or without, the use of other information. Institutional Code of Ethics (AP 3050) requires employees “actively guard the privacy of individuals.” Institutional Code of Ethics (AP 3050) requires employees “actively guard the privacy of individuals.” |