Assessment table
Data not populating as of 2019. Unknown cause. Instead of focusing on fixing this we are shifting away to Snowflake.
The Assessment table contains self-reported high school English and Math level according to the student’s application. The data is self-reported and not verified by College of the Sequoias.
Oracle source: ReportsNet.Assessment view based off of SZWCAPP
Updated: nightly
NOTE: ErrorInFunction - IF invalid code then can return error:
Error: Input code not defined in function.
Basically means we have a new CODE choice not referenced/defined.
Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description or Sample | Modified by |
PIDM - SZWCAPP_PIDM | PIDM | Up to 10-digit unique Banner id for student | Â |
HS_ENGL_GRADE_CODE - MAX(Q11_ENGL) | HS_ENGL_GRADE_CODE | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 code choices | AhsenB – 03/17/2016 Previously called HS_ENGL_CODE |
SUBSTR (BANINST1.COS_GENERAL_CROSSWALK.f_HS_CCCApp_Grade_DESC (HS_ENGL_GRADE_CODE), 1, 41) | HS_ENGL_GRADE_DESC | 0: Missing 1: A 2: B 3: C 4: D 5: F  Can return: ErrorInFunction | AhsenB – 03/17/2016 Previously called: HS_ENGL_DESC  NOTE: The old field was not returning the correct data set which should be based off of Question 10 (which we don’t have at this time): 0: No Repsonse 1: Less than a year 2: 1 year HS 3: 2 years HS 4: 3 years HS 5: 4 years HS  |
HS_GPA_CODE - Q12_HS_GPA | HS_GPA_CODE |  | AhsenB – 03/11/2016 – Added new field |
SUBSTR (BANINST1.COS_GENERAL_CROSSWALK.f_HS_CCCApp_GPA_DESC (HS_GPA_CODE), 1, 41) HS_GPA_DESC | HS_GPA_DESC | 0: Missing 1: 3.5-4.0 2: 3.0-3.4 3: 2.5-2.9 4: 2.0-2.4 5: 1.5-1.9 6: 1.0-1.4 7: 0.0-0.9  Can return: ErrorInFunction | AhsenB – 03/11/2016 – Added new field |
HS_MATH_CODE - Q14_HIGH_MATH | HS_MATH_CODE | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 code choices | AhsenB – 03/17/2016  Miss labeled HS_MATH_DESC |
SUBSTR (BANINST1.COS_GENERAL_CROSSWALK.f_HS_CCCApp_MATH_DESC (HS_MATH_CODE), 1, 41) HS_MATH_DESC | HS_MATH_DESC | 0: None 1: Basic Math 2: Algebra 1 3: Geometry 4: Algebra 2 5: Trigonometry 6: College Algebra/Pre-calculus 7: Calculus | AhsenB – 03/17/2016 Called via a function instead. |
HS_GRADE_MATH_CODE - Q15_GRADE_MATH | HS_GRADE_MATH_CODE |  | AhsenB – 03/11/2016 – Added new field |
MIN(LOAD_DATE) | LOAD_DATE | Most current application submission date | Â |