StudentFundType table
Each record describes a student. This table is being phased out. The EOPS, DRC, and VATEA fields have been added to Student table. The UNITs field is the same as Student’s Term_Hours field. Some stored procedures, views, and C# code are calling this table and will be changed to use the Student table.
Oracle source: ReportsNet.STUDENTFUNDTYPE view
Oracle objects: SFBETRM, spriden, stvterm, SGBEOPS, SGRDISA, SGBUSER
Updated: nightly
Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description or Sample |
sfbetrm.SFBETRM_TERM_CODE | TERM | 200710 (Fall = 10, Spring = 20, Summer = 30) |
SPRIDEN.SPRIDEN_ID | STUDENTID | Banner Id (@12345678) |
nvl(COS_F_GET_TENRL(SPRIDEN.SPRIDEN_PIDM, SFBETRM.SFBETRM_TERM_CODE),0) | UNITS | Float – Hours enrolled for this term. Same as units. |
sgbeops.SGBEOPS_EOPS_CODE | EOPS | Code From STVEOPS (EOPS program) |
sgrdisa.SGRDISA_PRIMARY_IND | DRC | Disabled Student (Y/N) |
SGBUSER.SGBUSER_SUDA_CODE | VATEA | Vocational And Technological Education Act (A/N) A: student in vocational program, N: in vocational course, but not vocational major |
SPBPERS_CONFID_IND | Confidential_Ind | Grabs the SPBPERS_Confidential_ind for the student through the package Student_Update that runs as part of the Course_FTES job. |