Custom XE vs. Baseline XE





Academic Services


@Jordan Lamb @John Zamora (Unlicensed)


Assess how the Custom XE report differs from Baseline. Assess deficiencies w/ Custom Report and recommend implementation of Baseline Business Practices.

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p_fstp_code_in is SIBINST_FSTP_CODE on SIAINST>”Staff Type”

p_asty_code_in is SIRASGN_ASTY_CODE is SIAASGN>Faculty Assignment>”Assignment Type”


  1. If “Assignment Type” ends with “O”, “A”, or “S” then it reports the crosswalked value on GVATRMP.

  2. If the above isn’t true, then it reports the GVATRMP crosswalked value of the employee’s “Staff Type”.

  3. If those two fields are empty, then it reports “4 - Contract Staff: not a district employee”

COS_SV_MIS_XE.f_get_asgn_type IF p_asty_code_in like '%O' or p_asty_code_in like '%A' or p_asty_code_in like '%S' THEN     lv_map_value := gv_rept_xml.F_MapValue(p_report_in, 'XE01', p_asty_code_in);   ELSE     lv_map_value := gv_rept_xml.F_MapValue(p_report_in, 'XE01',p_fstp_code_in);   END IF;   IF lv_map_value is NOT NULL THEN     RETURN lv_map_value;   ELSE     RETURN '4';  --if no faculty data found, return 4 for contracted employee   END IF;


  1. If “Staff Type” is not empty, then it reports the crosswalked value on GVATRMP.

  2. Else if the crosswalked “Staff Type” is empty or the crosswalked value does not equal “1” or “4”, then it checks to see if “Assignment Type” has a value. If so, it reports the crosswalked value of “Assignment Type”.

  3. Else it reports the crosswalked value of “Assignment Type”

  4. If those are empty, it reports “3 - Regular Staff: not an OVERLOAD assignment”

SV_MIS_XE.f_get_asgn_type   FUNCTION f_get_asgn_type( p_asty_code_in IN SIRASGN.SIRASGN_ASTY_CODE%TYPE,                             p_fstp_code_in IN SIBINST.SIBINST_FSTP_CODE%TYPE,                             p_report_in    IN GVVRPDF.GVVRPDF_REPORT%TYPE )     RETURN VARCHAR2   IS     lv_map_value   VARCHAR2(4);   BEGIN     IF p_fstp_code_in IS NOT NULL THEN       lv_map_value := gv_rept_xml.F_MapValue(p_report_in, 'XE01', p_fstp_code_in);       IF lv_map_value IS NULL OR lv_map_value NOT IN ('1', '4') THEN         IF p_asty_code_in IS NOT NULL THEN           lv_map_value := gv_rept_xml.F_MapValue(p_report_in, 'XE01', p_asty_code_in);         END IF;       END IF;     ELSE       IF p_asty_code_in IS NOT NULL THEN         lv_map_value := gv_rept_xml.F_MapValue(p_report_in, 'XE01', p_asty_code_in);       END IF;     END IF;     -- C3SC JC 06/09/2011 END     IF lv_map_value IS NOT NULL THEN       RETURN lv_map_value;     ELSE       RETURN '3'; -- C3SC JC 06/09/2011 CHANGED     END IF;   END f_get_asgn_type;