This table is populated with student data from students that have registered for a future term, but haven’t registered for or enrolled in courses for the future term. This data is used for STEM for identifying students for a future terms.
Oracle source: ReportsNet.Student_Stem_Assessment view
Updated: nightly
Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description or Sample | Date Added |
SGBSTDN.SGBSTDN_TERM_CODE_EFF as term, | TERM | 200710 (Fall = 10, Spring = 20, Summer = 30) | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spriden.spriden_id as studentid, | STUDENTID | Banner Id (@12345678) | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spriden.spriden_pidm as pidm, | PIDM | Up to 10-digit unique Banner id for student | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
nvl(spriden_last_name, '') || ', ' || nvl(spriden_first_name, '') || ' ' || nvl(spriden_mi, '') as studentname, | STUDENTNAME | Concatenation of Last, First Middle init (Smith, John A) | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spraddr.spraddr_street_line1 as address, | ADDRESS | Address at the start of the record’s term | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spraddr.spraddr_city as city, | CITY | City at the start of the record’s term | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spraddr.spraddr_stat_code as state, | STATE | State at the start of the record’s term | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spraddr.spraddr_zip as zip, | ZIP | Zip at the start of the record’s term | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
decode(sprtele_phone_number, null, '', '(' || sprtele_phone_area || ') ' || sprtele_phone_number) as phone, | PHONE | Current phone number | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
substr(BANINST1.cos_f_get_email(spriden.SPRIDEN_PIDM),1,90) as EMAIL | The Student’s email address | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 | |
decode(f_sgbstdn_fields (spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code, 'STU_TYPE'), null, null, substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVSTYP',f_sgbstdn_fields (spriden.spriden_pidm, sfbetrm.sfbetrm_term_code,'STU_TYPE'),30),1,30) ) as status, | STATUS | Description of Student Status. See the STVSTYP lookup table in the Appendix. This is the full description of the status, such as “Continuing Student”, “Returning Student”. | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
SGBSTDN.SGBSTDN_RESD_CODE | RESD_CODE | Residency code from the student’s SGBSTDN record by term | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
STVRESD.STVRESD_DESC | RESD_DESC | Residency description for the student’s residency code | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
sgbstdn.SGBSTDN_PROGRAM_1 | PROGRAM | The Program of the Major | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
SGBSTDN.SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1 | MAJOR_CODE | Numeric code for the student’s major | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVMAJR',SGBSTDN.SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1,30),1,30) as Major, | MAJOR | Description of the Major_Code | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
spbpers.spbpers_sex as gender, | GENDER | 1-char | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
decode(f_get_hsch_code(sfbetrm.sfbetrm_pidm), null, null,substr(f_get_desc_fnc('STVSBGI',f_get_hsch_code(sfbetrm.sfbetrm_pidm),30),1,30) ) | HIGHSCHOOL | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 | |
f_test_score_fnc (spriden.spriden_pidm,'LE','HIGH',null) | ENG251_ELIG | Score on most recent English 251 placement test. 0 to 6.0. | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
SELECT MAX (sortest_test_date) FROM sortest WHERE sortest_pidm = spriden.spriden_pidm AND sortest_tesc_code = 'LE') | ENG_TEST_DATE | Test date of most recent English 251 placement test | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
f_test_score_fnc (spriden_pidm,'LM','HIGH',null) | MATHPLACE | Score on most recent Math placement test. 0 to 6.0. | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
SELECT MAX (sortest_test_date) FROM sortest WHERE sortest_pidm = spriden.spriden_pidm AND sortest_tesc_code = 'LM') | MATH_TEST_DATE | Test date of most recent Math placement test | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
f_test_score_fnc (spriden_pidm,'LR','HIGH',null) | READ_LEVEL | Score on most recent Reading placement test. 0 to 6.0. | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
SELECT MAX (sortest_test_date) FROM sortest WHERE sortest_pidm = spriden.spriden_pidm AND sortest_tesc_code = 'LR') | READ_TEST_DATE | Test date of most recent Reading placement test | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
f_test_score_fnc (spriden_pidm,'ESL1','HIGH',null) | CELSA_ESL | Score on CELSA ESL test | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
SELECT MAX (sortest_test_date) FROM sortest WHERE sortest_pidm = spriden.spriden_pidm AND sortest_tesc_code = 'ESL1') | ESL_TEST_DATE | Test date of most recent ESL test | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
f_test_score_fnc (spriden.spriden_pidm, 'LESL', 'HIGH', NULL) | ESL_PLACEMENT | ESL Placement Level | ryanwh - 2.25.2015 |
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