Each record describes a course section that a student is enrolled in for a term. All registration types are included, so there may be records for students who are not actually registered in the course – such as those who have dropped or are on the waiting list (see the Registration field). Only includes non-canceled sections (there must be a meeting record in Banner).
Each record is a different meeting time and day. The Course identifier, CRN, will appear once for every different room and/or time it meets. For example (some columns not shown):
The 2 highlighted records are for the same course (English) but for different meeting places, days, and times.
A useful view is the vEnrollUniqueCRN which returns 1 record per CRN and does not include Campus, Building, Room, and meeting times. Also, only registrations of ‘R%’ are included.
Oracle source: ReportsNet.ENROLL view
Updated: nightly
Oracle Field/Calc | DW Field | Description or Sample |
sfrstcr.sfrstcr_term_code | TERM | 200710 (Fall = 10, Spring = 20, Summer = 30) |
scbcrse.scbcrse_divs_code | DIVISIONID | Division Code: AG: Agriculture BUS: Business CFS: Consumer/Family Studies ARTF: Fine Arts IT: Industry and Technology LANG: Language Arts and Commun LIBR: Library MATH: Math and Engineering PE: Physical Education SCI: Science SOCS: Social Sciences STSV: Student Services SPLP: Special Programs NURS: Nursing WEXP: Work Experience |
scbcrse.scbcrse_dept_code | DEPARTMENTID | From STVDEPT Oracle table. 4-char department code. |
spriden_id | STUDENTID | Banner Id (@12345678) |
spriden_pidm | PIDM | Up to 10-digit unique Banner id for student |
nvl(spriden.SPRIDEN_LAST_NAME, '') || ', ' || nvl(spriden.SPRIDEN_FIRST_NAME, '') || ' ' || nvl(spriden.SPRIDEN_MI, '') | STUDENTNAME | Concatenation of Last, First Middle init of student name (Smith, John A) |
sfrstcr.sfrstcr_crn | CRN | Course Identifier/Number |
Ssbsect_Subj_Code | SUBJECT | 4-char subject code from STVSUBJ |
Ssbsect_Crse_Numb | COURSENUMBER | Alphanumeric course number, such as 031 or 13L |
rowidtochar(ssrmeet.rowid) | SCHEDULEID | Internal id of the record ( AAABJrAAKAAAZm6AAu) |
nvl(substr(cos_sf_grades (sfrstcr_pidm , sfrstcr_crn, sfrstcr_term_code),1,10),sfrstcr_grde_code) | GRADE | Most-current Grade achieved (typically will not be a value until after the class has ended). Possible values are found in the SHRGRDE table in Banner. |
ssbsect.ssbsect_camp_code | CAMPUS | BAK: Bakersfield COR: Corcoran COS: COS Main Campus DIN: Dinuba EXE: Exeter FAR: Farmersville FRM: COS Farm HAC: Hanford Center HAN: Hanford IVA: Ivanhoe LEM: Lemoore LIN: Lindsay ORC: Orosi Community Center ORO: Orosi POR: Porterville STR: Strathmoore TBA: To be Announced THR: Three Rivers TUC: Tulare Center TUL: Tulare VIS: Visalia WOO: Woodlake |
nvl(ssrmeet.SSRMEET_BLDG_CODE, 'N/A') | BUILDING | Code form STVBLDG (typically 6-char) |
nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_room_code, 'N/A') | ROOM | |
ssbsect.ssbsect_sess_code | SESS_CODE | B: Day/Evening C: Community Service D: Day E: Evening T: Contract Education W: Weekend |
ssrmeet.ssrmeet_start_date | STARTDATE | Start date of course |
ssrmeet.ssrmeet_end_date | ENDDATE | End date of course |
nvl(nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_mon_day, '') || nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_tue_day, '') || nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_wed_day, '') || nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_thu_day, '') || nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_fri_day, '') || nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_sat_day, '') || nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_sun_day, ''), 'XX') | DAYS | Days the course meets: M, T, W, R, F, S, U |
nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_begin_time, '0000') | STARTTIME | Start time of the course |
nvl(ssrmeet.ssrmeet_end_time, '0000') | ENDTIME | End time of the course |
sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rsts_code | REGISTRATION | Registration code, from STVRSTS table: ADAdministrative Drop AWAdministrative Withdrawal DDrop DCCourse Cancelled DDDrop/Delete DFDrop, Fees Owing DIDrop by Instructor "W" grade DNDrop Non-Resident/Full Refund DPPrerequisite Drop DQDisqualified DRDrop, Refund, no "W" DWDrop "W" Grade DXExtenuating Circumstances IDDrop by Instructor no "W" NSNo Show RA Registered with an Add Code RERegistered RFRegistered via Flex Reg RWWeb Registered SDStudent Dismissal UAUnauthorized Repeat WL Wait List WMWithdraw Military WTWaitlist Test EW – Excused Withdrawal CW – Covid19 Withdrawal |
sfrstcr.SFRSTCR_ACTIVITY_DATE | ACTIVITY_DATE | Datetime – last date of activity for the enrollment |
NVL ( DECODE (SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR, 0, SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR_HOLD, SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR), 0) | REGIS_UNITS | The number of units for which the student has registered for the CRN of this record |
sfrstcr.SFRSTCR_ADD_DATE | ADD_DATE | The date the student registered for the course |
sfrstcr.SFRSTCR_RSTS_DATE | REGIS_ACTIVITY_DATE | The date of the most recent registration activity (a change in registration status) |
CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM early_alert ea WHERE ea.term = ssbsect_term_code AND ea.crn = ssbsect_crn AND ea.studentid = spriden_id AND comments IS NOT NULL) > 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE NULL END | EA_COMMENTS | ‘Y’ when there has been an Early Alert comment entered for the student for the section of this record. Null otherwise. |
REPORTSNET .f_get_early_alert (spriden_pidm, ssbsect_term_code, ssbsect_crn) | EA_ALERTS | Pipe-delimited string of Early Alert codes that have been entered for the student for the section of this record. Null when there have been no alert codes for this student for this section. The meaning of each of these codes may change per term, but as of 200910, the codes are (from the Oracle SATURN.SZREAMS table): 1: Attendance issues 2: More participation in class needed 3:Assignments/Homework are missing/late/poor quality 4: Poor performance on Tests/Quizzes 5: Lack of comprehension of course material 6: Please seek assistance from the Tutorial Center 7: Recommend you consider dropping the class 8: Please see the instructor 9: Private referral to DRC 10-15: for future use Use the Data Warehouse view vORA_EARLY_ALERT_CODES for a current list of the codes by Term Note: it is possible for a student to have an EA_COMMENT and/or EA_GRADE without any Early Alert codes entered. |
REPORTSNET.f_get_early_alert_grade (spriden_pidm, ssbsect_term_code, ssbsect_crn), 1, 2) | EA_GRADE | Grade in the course that was applied to the Early Alert (null if there was no alert or no grade) |
REPORTSNET.f_get_early_alert_date (spriden_pidm, ssbsect_term_code, ssbsect_crn) | EA_DATE | Date at which the Early alert was applied (null if there was no alert) |
SUBSTR(BANINST1.COS_FW_CENSUS_ENRL_IND(spriden_pidm,ssbsect_term_code,ssbsect_crn,SSBSECT_ACCT_CODE, DECODE(NVL(sfrstcr.sfrstcr_rsts_code, 'N'), 'Y', 'N', 'Y') ,sfrstcr.SFRSTCR_RSTS_DATE,SSBSECT_CENSUS_ENRL_DATE),1,1) | CENSUS_ENRL | Y/N – Census Enrolled Indicator for the given student |
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