- Courses that have been inactivated/deleted should be owned by “Inactive Courses” unit. They should be assigned to only that unit and any inactive PLO unit, if applicable.
Reporting Units
Unit (Child) | Reporting Unit (Parent) | Users |
Governance (Committee) - Curriculum | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Distance Education | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Educational Technology | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Equivalency | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Faculty Enrichment | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Outcomes and Assessment | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Standing Committee A | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Standing Committee B | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Senate) - Academic | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Program Review - Facilities | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Fiscal Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Food Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Foundation | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Technology Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Facilities | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Fiscal Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Food Service | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Technology Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
PLO (AG-AGMT) - Agricultural Business Management - AS | Agriculture | AG Dean |
PLO (AG-AGMT) - Agricultural Business Management - CofA | Agriculture | AG Division Chair |
PLO (AG-AGMT) - Agriculture Business - AS-T | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Ag Irrigation Technician Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Agricultural Technology - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Agricultural Technology - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Agriculture Power Equipment Technician - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Irrigation Management - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Animal Science - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Animal Science - AS-T | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Animal Science - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Equine Science - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Veterinary Assisting CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-DSCI) - Dairy Science - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Floral Technology - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Landscape Design - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Landscape Management - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Landscape Management - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Ornamental Horticulture - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Ornamental Horticulture - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Ornamental Horticulture: Retail Nursery Skills Option - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-PSCI) - Agriculture Plant Science - AS-T | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-PSCI) - Plant Science - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-PSCI) - Plant Science - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Ag Management | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Ag Technology | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Agriculture | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Animal Science | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Ornamental Horticulture | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Plant Science | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Veterinary Technician | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Agriculture AG | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Agriculture Management AGMT | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Agriculture Technology AGTC | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Animal Science ASCI | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Dairy Science DSCI | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Ornamental Horticulture OH | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Plant Science PLSI | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Veterinary Technician VT | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (NURS-EMT) - Emergency Medical Technician B - Skill Cert | Allied Health & Nursing | Dean - NURS |
PLO (NURS-HLTH) - Rehabilitation Aide - Cert of Completion | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS Chair |
PLO (NURS-NURS) - Certified Nurse Assistant - Skill Cert | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (NURS-NURS) - Registered Nursing AS Degree | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (NURS-PT) - Entry-Level Pharmacy Technician CofA | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (NURS-PTA) - Physical Therapist Assistant - AS | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Emergency Medical Technician | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Nursing | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Pharmacy Technician | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Physical Therapy Assistant | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Emergency Medical Technician EMT | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Nursing NURS | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Pharmacy Technician PT | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Physical Therapist Assistant PTA | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-ACCT) - Accounting - AS | Business | Dean - BUS |
PLO (BUS-ACCT) - Accounting - CofA | Business | Division Chair - BUS |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business - AS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business Administration 2.0 - AS-T | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business Financial Recordkeeping - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Associate in Science in Computer Science for Transfer (AS-T) | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Computer Applications - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Computer Programming & Information Systems - AS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Computer Programming & Information Systems - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-PARA) - Paralegal - AS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Accounting | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Administration of Justice | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Business | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Computer | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Paralegal | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Work Experience | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Accounting ACCT | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Business BUS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Computer COMP | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Paralegal PARA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child & Adolescent Development for Transfer - AA-T | Consumer Family Studies | Dean - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development - AS | Consumer Family Studies | Division Chair - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development : Assistant - Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development: Associate Teacher - Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development: Teacher - CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Early Childhood Education - AS-T | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Special Education CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CULN) - Beginning Culinary Skills CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CULN) - Culinary Arts - AS | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CULN) - Culinary Arts Fundamentals CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-EDUC) - Elementary Teacher Education - AA-T | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Design Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Merchandising - Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Merchandising and Design - AS | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Merchandising and Design - CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-NUTR) - Food Safety Management Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-NUTR) - Nutrition and Dietetics - AS-T | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Child Development | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Consumer/Family Studies | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Culinary | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Education | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Fashion | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Nutrition/Foods | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Child Development CHLD | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Consumer Family Studies CFS | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Culinary CULN | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Education EDUC | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Fashion FASH | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Nutrition NUTR | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Governance (Committee) - Budget | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Equity, Diversity, and Action | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - General Education | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Institutional Planning and Effectiveness | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Institutional Program Review | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Technology | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Senate) - District Governance | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Program Review - Health Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
Program Review - Learning Assistance | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
Program Review - Learning Resource Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
Program Review - Writing Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SAO - Health Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SAO - Learning Resource Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SAO - Writing Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SLO (LA) - Learning Assistance LA | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SLO (LIBR) - Library LIBR | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
PLO (ENGL-ENGL) - English - AA-T | English | Dean - ENGL |
PLO (ENGL-ENGL) - Writing Consultancy - CofA | English | Chair - ENGL |
Program Review - English | English | O&A Rep - ENGL |
SLO (ENGL) - English ENGL | English | O&A Rep - ENGL |
PLO (ARTF-ART) - Art - AA | Fine Arts | Dean - Art |
PLO (ARTF-ART) - Art History - AA-T | Fine Arts | Chair - Art |
PLO (ARTF-ART) - Studio Arts - AA-T | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-DRAM) - Dramatic Arts: Acting - AA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-DRAM) - Dramatic Arts: Technical - AA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-DRAM) Theatre Arts - AA-T | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-MUS) - Commercial Music - Skill Cert | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-MUS) - Music - AA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-MUS) - Music - AA-T (ADT) | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Art | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Cinema Arts | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Drama | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Music | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Art ART | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Cinema Arts CINA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Drama DRAM | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Music MUS | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Fire Technology | Fire Academy | Provost - Hanford |
SLO (FIRE - FIRE) - Fire Science FIRE | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (FIRE-FIRE) - Fire Academy - Skill Cert | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (FIRE-FIRE) - Fire Technology - AS | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (FIRE-FIRE) - Fire Technology - CofA | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (COSM-COSM) - Cosmetology- CofA | Industry & Technology | Dean - I&T |
PLO (CT-WELD) Associate of Science in Welding Technology (AS) | Industry & Technology | Chair - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architectural Drafting - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architectural History - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architectural Visual Communication - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architecture - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architecture - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architecture Design - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Autodesk AutoCAD for Architecture - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Building Information Modeling - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Air Conditioning Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Chassis Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Electrical Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Emissions Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Engine Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Power Train Systems Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Carpentry/Millwork - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Inspection - Skill Certificate | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Management - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Technology - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Autodesk AutoCAD for Drafting - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Drafting Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Mechanical Drafting - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Tactile Mechanical Drafting - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ECT) - Environmental Control Technology (HVAC) - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ECT) - Environmental Control Technology (HVAC) - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ET) - Electrical Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ET) - NCCER Electrical Applications - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ET) - NCCER Electrical Theory - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Adobe Illustrator - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Adobe InDesign - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Adobe Photoshop - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Autodesk Maya - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Graphic Design - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Graphic Design - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Multimedia Design - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ICT) - CISCO: CCNA Academy - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ICT) - Computer and Network Support - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Automation - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Automation (AS) | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Automation CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Maintenance Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Maintenance Technology - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Programmable Logic Controllers - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Waste & Wastewater Treatment - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-WELD) - Welding - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-WELD) - Welding Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (IT-ICT) - Information Communication Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Architecture | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Automotive Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Construction Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Cosmetology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Drafting | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Electrician Training | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Environment Control Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Graphic Design | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Industry and Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Information Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Manufacturing | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Training Resource Center | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Welding | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SAO - Training Resource Center | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (COSM-COSM) Cosmetology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Architecture ARCH | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Automotive AUTO | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Construction Technology CT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Drafting DRFT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Electrician Training ET | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Electronics ELEC | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Environmental Control Technology ECT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Graphic Design GD | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Industrial Maintenance Technology ITEC | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Information & Communication Technology ICT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Information Technology IT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Manufacturing MANU | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Welding WELD | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (LARTS) - American Sign Language ASL | Langauge & Communication | Dean - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Communication COMM | Langauge & Communication | Chair - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - English as a Second Language ESL | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Journalism JOUR | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Linguistic LING | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Portuguese PORT | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Spanish SPAN | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ASL) - American Sign Language - AA | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-COMM) - Communication - Skill Cert | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-COMM) - Communication Studies - AA-T | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-COMM) - Media Communication - Skill Cert | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ESL) - ESL: Advanced Level - Cert of Completion | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ESL) - ESL: Beginning Level - Cert of Completion | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ESL) - ESL: Intermediate Level - Cert of Completion | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-JOUR) - Journalism - AA-T | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-SPAN) - Interpreter (Spanish) - Skill Cert | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-SPAN) - Interpreter (Spanish) CofA | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-SPAN) - Spanish - AA-T | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - American Sign Language | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Communication | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - ESL | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Journalism | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Linguistics | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Spanish | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (MATH-CSCI) - Computer Science - AS-T | Math & Engineering | Dean - Math |
PLO (MATH-ENGR) - Engineering - AS | Math & Engineering | Chair - Math |
PLO (MATH-MATH) - Mathematics - AS-T | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
Program Review - Computer Science | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
Program Review - Engineering | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
Program Review - Mathematics | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
SLO (MATH) - Computer Science CSCI | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
SLO (MATH) - Engineering ENGR | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
SLO (MATH) - Mathematics MATH | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
PLO (PE) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Health and Physical Education - AA | Physical Education | Dean - PE |
PLO (PE-DANC) - Dance - AA | Physical Education | Chair - PE |
PLO (PE-KINE) - Kinesiology - AA-T | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
PLO (PE-SMED) - Sports Medicine/Athletic Training/Exercise Science - AS | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Dance | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Health and Wellness | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Intercolligiate Athletics | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Kinesiology | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Physical Education | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Sports Medicine | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Dance DANC | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Health and Wellness HW | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Intercollegiate Athletics IA | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Kinesiology KINE | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - PE Activity PEAC | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Physical Education PE | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Sports Medicine SMED | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
PLO (PS-PS) - POST Certified Basic Police Academy - CofA | Police Academy | Provost - Hanford |
Program Review - District Police | Police Academy | Director - Police |
Program Review - Police Science | Police Academy | Director - Police |
SLO (PS - PS) - Police Science PS | Police Academy | Director - Police |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
PLO (SCI-BIOL) - Biology - AS-T | Science | Dean - Science |
PLO (SCI-CHEM) - Chemistry - AS-T | Science | Chair - Science |
PLO (SCI-GEOL) - Geology - AS-T | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
PLO (SCI-PHYS) - Physics - AS-T | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Astronomy | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Biology | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Chemistry | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Earth Science | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Geography | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Geology | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Natural Sciences | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Physical Sciences | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Physics | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Astronomy ASTR | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Biology BIOL | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Chemistry CHEM | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Earth Science ESCI | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Geography GEOG | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Geology GEOL | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Meteorology MET | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Natural Science NSCI | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Physical Science PSCI | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Physics PHYS | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
PLO (SOCS-) - Social Justice Studies - Chicana/o Studies for Transfer - AA-T | Social Science | Dean - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-AJ) - Administration of Justice for Transfer - AS-T | Social Science | Chair - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-AJ) - Administration of Justice: Corrections - AS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-AJ) - Administration of Justice: Law Enforcement - AS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-ANTH) - Anthropology - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-ECON) - Economics - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HIST) - History - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Human Services (Social Work) - AS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Human Services (Social Work) - CofA | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Issues in Family Violence CofA | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Rehabilitation Aide Cert of Completion | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-PHIL) - Philosophy - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-POLS) - Political Science - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-PS) - Law, Public Policy, and Society for Transfer - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-PSY) - Psychology - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-SOC) - Sociology - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Anthropology | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Economics | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Ethnic Studies | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - History | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Human Services | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Philosophy | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Political Science | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Psychology | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Sociology | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Administration of Justice AJ | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Anthropology ANTH | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Economics ECON | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Ethnic Studies ETHN | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - History HIST | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Human Services HSRV | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Philosophy PHIL | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Political Science POLS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Psychology PSY | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Sociology SOC | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOSC) - Social Science SSCI | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (COUN-IS) - Leadership - Skill Cert | Student Services - Counseling | Dean - Student Services (see org chart) |
PLO (STSV) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Health Science - AS | Student Services - Counseling | Chair - Counselling |
PLO (STSV) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Educational Occupations - AA | Student Services - Counseling | O&A Rep - Cournselling |
PLO (STSV) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Social Behavioral Science - AA | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
PLO (STSV) - University Studies - Pathway to Math and Science - AA | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Access and Ability Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Basic Needs Support Services | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Counseling | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - EOP&S | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Human Development | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Transfer/Career Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Veterans | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Access and Ability Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Cal Works | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Counseling | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - EOP&S | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Transfer and Career Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Veterans Resource Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (DVSR) - Developmental Services DVSR | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Counseling COUN | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Human Development HDEV | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Learning Skills LS | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Admissions & Records | Student Services - Records | Dean - Student Services (see org chart) |
Program Review - Financial Aid | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Resolution and Advocacy Department | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Admissions and Records | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Financial Aid | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Dual Enrollment | Student Services - Success | Dean - Student Services (see org chart) |
Program Review - Student Activities & Affairs | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Student Success Program | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Welcome Center | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Dual Enrollment | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Puente | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Student Activities and Affairs | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Student Success Program | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Welcome Center | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Interdisciplinary Studies IS | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Governance (Senate) - Student | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Articulation | Student Services - VP | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Articulation/Assessment | Student Services - VP | VP - Student Services |
SAO - District Police | Student Services - VP | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Human Resources | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
Program Review - Public Information | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
Program Review - Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - COS Foundation | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - Human Resources | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - Public Information Office | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SLO (WEXP-WEXP) - Work Experience WEXP | Work Experience | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
#NAME? | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
District Goals | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
District Objectives: 2021-2025 | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
General Education Learning Objectives | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Dean's | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Facilities/Safety | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Instructional | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Management | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Senior Management | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Institutional Learning Outcomes | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
PLO (GE) - COS General Education | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Program Review - Aeronautics | Inactive Unit | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Program Review - New Setup | Inactive Unit | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |