Administration Manual
Service Area Outcomes
- New SAO (Service Area Outcomes) Units require VP Approval
Division Dashboards
- Direct Nuventive Support to create Division Dashboards.
To do this we had to create a parent - child relationship for the Division and Unit.
There is an ongoing maintenance need for this work.
Course Management
Access it in the “- Platform Administrator” unit in the top selection bar
Top Bar
Then select “Course Management” from the left-hand sidebar.
- The course subject should match the SLO with the same name. Example: “ACCT 001” should be owned by “SLO (BUS) - Accounting ACCT
- Courses that have been inactivated/deleted should be owned by “Inactive Courses” unit. They should be assigned to only that unit and any inactive PLO unit, if applicable.
Program Management
Must be requested from Nuventive Improve.
All courses, except for recommended electives (under the Electives header), in Courseleaf - CIM (Programs) for a program should be assigned to the Program in Nuventive Improve
Reporting Units
SLO units need to be put under their area “Reporting - Area”
PLO Units need to be put under their area “Reporting - Area” as well as their associated Program Review unit.
Unit (Child) | Reporting Unit (Parent) | Users |
Governance (Committee) - Curriculum | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Distance Education | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Educational Technology | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Equivalency | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Faculty Enrichment | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Outcomes and Assessment | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Standing Committee A | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Committee) - Standing Committee B | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Governance (Senate) - Academic | Academic Senate | Senate President |
Program Review - Facilities | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Fiscal Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Food Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Foundation | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
Program Review - Technology Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Facilities | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Fiscal Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Food Service | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
SAO - Technology Services | Administrative Services | VP Admin Services |
PLO (AG-AGMT) - Agricultural Business Management - AS | Agriculture | AG Dean |
PLO (AG-AGMT) - Agricultural Business Management - CofA | Agriculture | AG Division Chair |
PLO (AG-AGMT) - Agriculture Business - AS-T | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Ag Irrigation Technician Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Agricultural Technology - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Agricultural Technology - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Agriculture Power Equipment Technician - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-AGTC) - Irrigation Management - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Animal Science - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Animal Science - AS-T | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Animal Science - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Equine Science - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-ASCI) - Veterinary Assisting CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-DSCI) - Dairy Science - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Floral Technology - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Landscape Design - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Landscape Management - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Landscape Management - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Ornamental Horticulture - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Ornamental Horticulture - CofA | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-OH) - Ornamental Horticulture: Retail Nursery Skills Option - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-PSCI) - Agriculture Plant Science - AS-T | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-PSCI) - Plant Science - AS | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (AG-PSCI) - Plant Science - Skill Cert | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Ag Management | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Ag Technology | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Agriculture | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Animal Science | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Ornamental Horticulture | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Plant Science | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
Program Review - Veterinary Technician | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Agriculture AG | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Agriculture Management AGMT | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Agriculture Technology AGTC | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Animal Science ASCI | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Dairy Science DSCI | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Ornamental Horticulture OH | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Plant Science PLSI | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
SLO (AG) - Veterinary Technician VT | Agriculture | AG Rep - O&A |
PLO (NURS-EMT) - Emergency Medical Technician B - Skill Cert | Allied Health & Nursing | Dean - NURS |
PLO (NURS-HLTH) - Rehabilitation Aide - Cert of Completion | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS Chair |
PLO (NURS-NURS) - Certified Nurse Assistant - Skill Cert | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (NURS-NURS) - Registered Nursing AS Degree | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (NURS-PT) - Entry-Level Pharmacy Technician CofA | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (NURS-PTA) - Physical Therapist Assistant - AS | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Emergency Medical Technician | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Nursing | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Pharmacy Technician | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Physical Therapy Assistant | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Emergency Medical Technician EMT | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Nursing NURS | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Pharmacy Technician PT | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
SLO (NURS) - Physical Therapist Assistant PTA | Allied Health & Nursing | NURS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-ACCT) - Accounting - AS | Business | Dean - BUS |
PLO (BUS-ACCT) - Accounting - CofA | Business | Division Chair - BUS |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business - AS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business Administration 2.0 - AS-T | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-BUS) - Business Financial Recordkeeping - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Associate in Science in Computer Science for Transfer (AS-T) | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Computer Applications - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Computer Programming & Information Systems - AS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-COMP) - Computer Programming & Information Systems - CofA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (BUS-PARA) - Paralegal - AS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Accounting | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Administration of Justice | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Business | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Computer | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Paralegal | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
Program Review - Work Experience | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Accounting ACCT | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Business BUS | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Computer COMP | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
SLO (BUS) - Paralegal PARA | Business | BUS O&A Rep |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child & Adolescent Development for Transfer - AA-T | Consumer Family Studies | Dean - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development - AS | Consumer Family Studies | Division Chair - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development : Assistant - Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development: Associate Teacher - Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Child Development: Teacher - CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Early Childhood Education - AS-T | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CHLD) - Special Education CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CULN) - Beginning Culinary Skills CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CULN) - Culinary Arts - AS | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-CULN) - Culinary Arts Fundamentals CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-EDUC) - Elementary Teacher Education - AA-T | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Design Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Merchandising - Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Merchandising and Design - AS | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-FASH) - Fashion Merchandising and Design - CofA | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-NUTR) - Food Safety Management Skill Cert | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
PLO (CFS-NUTR) - Nutrition and Dietetics - AS-T | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Child Development | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Consumer/Family Studies | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Culinary | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Education | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Fashion | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Program Review - Nutrition/Foods | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Child Development CHLD | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Consumer Family Studies CFS | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Culinary CULN | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Education EDUC | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Fashion FASH | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
SLO (CFS) - Nutrition NUTR | Consumer Family Studies | O&A Rep - CFS |
Governance (Committee) - Budget | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Equity, Diversity, and Action | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - General Education | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Institutional Planning and Effectiveness | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Institutional Program Review | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Committee) - Technology | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Governance (Senate) - District Governance | District Governance Senate | DGS Co-Chairs |
Program Review - Health Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
Program Review - Learning Assistance | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
Program Review - Learning Resource Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
Program Review - Writing Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SAO - Health Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SAO - Learning Resource Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SAO - Writing Center | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SLO (LA) - Learning Assistance LA | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
SLO (LIBR) - Library LIBR | Education Support Services | Dean - ESS |
PLO (ENGL-ENGL) - English - AA-T | English | Dean - ENGL |
PLO (ENGL-ENGL) - Writing Consultancy - CofA | English | Chair - ENGL |
Program Review - English | English | O&A Rep - ENGL |
SLO (ENGL) - English ENGL | English | O&A Rep - ENGL |
PLO (ARTF-ART) - Art - AA | Fine Arts | Dean - Art |
PLO (ARTF-ART) - Art History - AA-T | Fine Arts | Chair - Art |
PLO (ARTF-ART) - Studio Arts - AA-T | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-DRAM) - Dramatic Arts: Acting - AA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-DRAM) - Dramatic Arts: Technical - AA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-DRAM) Theatre Arts - AA-T | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-MUS) - Commercial Music - Skill Cert | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-MUS) - Music - AA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
PLO (ARTF-MUS) - Music - AA-T (ADT) | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Art | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Cinema Arts | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Drama | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Music | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Art ART | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Cinema Arts CINA | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Drama DRAM | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
SLO (ARTF) - Music MUS | Fine Arts | O&A Rep - Art |
Program Review - Fire Technology | Fire Academy | Provost - Hanford |
SLO (FIRE - FIRE) - Fire Science FIRE | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (FIRE-FIRE) - Fire Academy - Skill Cert | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (FIRE-FIRE) - Fire Technology - AS | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (FIRE-FIRE) - Fire Technology - CofA | Fire Academy | Director - Fire |
PLO (COSM-COSM) - Cosmetology- CofA | Industry & Technology | Dean - I&T |
PLO (CT-WELD) Associate of Science in Welding Technology (AS) | Industry & Technology | Chair - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architectural Drafting - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architectural History - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architectural Visual Communication - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architecture - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architecture - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Architecture Design - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Autodesk AutoCAD for Architecture - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ARCH) - Building Information Modeling - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Air Conditioning Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Chassis Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Electrical Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Emissions Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Engine Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Power Train Systems Technology - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-AUTO) - Automotive Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Carpentry/Millwork - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Inspection - Skill Certificate | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Management - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-CT) - Construction Technology - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Autodesk AutoCAD for Drafting - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Drafting Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Mechanical Drafting - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-DRFT) - Tactile Mechanical Drafting - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ECT) - Environmental Control Technology (HVAC) - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ECT) - Environmental Control Technology (HVAC) - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ET) - Electrical Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ET) - NCCER Electrical Applications - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ET) - NCCER Electrical Theory - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Adobe Illustrator - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Adobe InDesign - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Adobe Photoshop - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Autodesk Maya - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Graphic Design - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Graphic Design - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-GD) - Multimedia Design - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ICT) - CISCO: CCNA Academy - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ICT) - Computer and Network Support - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Automation - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Automation (AS) | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Automation CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Maintenance Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Industrial Maintenance Technology - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Programmable Logic Controllers - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-ITEC) - Waste & Wastewater Treatment - Skill Cert | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-WELD) - Welding - CofA | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (I&T-WELD) - Welding Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
PLO (IT-ICT) - Information Communication Technology - AS | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Architecture | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Automotive Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Construction Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Cosmetology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Drafting | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Electrician Training | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Environment Control Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Graphic Design | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Industry and Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Information Technology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Manufacturing | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Training Resource Center | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
Program Review - Welding | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SAO - Training Resource Center | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (COSM-COSM) Cosmetology | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Architecture ARCH | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Automotive AUTO | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Construction Technology CT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Drafting DRFT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Electrician Training ET | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Electronics ELEC | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Environmental Control Technology ECT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Graphic Design GD | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Industrial Maintenance Technology ITEC | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Information & Communication Technology ICT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Information Technology IT | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Manufacturing MANU | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (I&T) - Welding WELD | Industry & Technology | O&A Rep - I&T |
SLO (LARTS) - American Sign Language ASL | Langauge & Communication | Dean - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Communication COMM | Langauge & Communication | Chair - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - English as a Second Language ESL | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Journalism JOUR | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Linguistic LING | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Portuguese PORT | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
SLO (LARTS) - Spanish SPAN | Langauge & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ASL) - American Sign Language - AA | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-COMM) - Communication - Skill Cert | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-COMM) - Communication Studies - AA-T | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-COMM) - Media Communication - Skill Cert | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ESL) - ESL: Advanced Level - Cert of Completion | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ESL) - ESL: Beginning Level - Cert of Completion | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-ESL) - ESL: Intermediate Level - Cert of Completion | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-JOUR) - Journalism - AA-T | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-SPAN) - Interpreter (Spanish) - Skill Cert | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-SPAN) - Interpreter (Spanish) CofA | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (LARTS-SPAN) - Spanish - AA-T | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - American Sign Language | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Communication | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - ESL | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Journalism | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Linguistics | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
Program Review - Spanish | Language & Communication | O&A Rep - Lang/Comm |
PLO (MATH-CSCI) - Computer Science - AS-T | Math & Engineering | Dean - Math |
PLO (MATH-ENGR) - Engineering - AS | Math & Engineering | Chair - Math |
PLO (MATH-MATH) - Mathematics - AS-T | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
Program Review - Computer Science | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
Program Review - Engineering | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
Program Review - Mathematics | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
SLO (MATH) - Computer Science CSCI | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
SLO (MATH) - Engineering ENGR | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
SLO (MATH) - Mathematics MATH | Math & Engineering | O&A Rep - Math |
PLO (PE) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Health and Physical Education - AA | Physical Education | Dean - PE |
PLO (PE-DANC) - Dance - AA | Physical Education | Chair - PE |
PLO (PE-KINE) - Kinesiology - AA-T | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
PLO (PE-SMED) - Sports Medicine/Athletic Training/Exercise Science - AS | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Dance | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Health and Wellness | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Intercolligiate Athletics | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Kinesiology | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Physical Education | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
Program Review - Sports Medicine | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Dance DANC | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Health and Wellness HW | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Intercollegiate Athletics IA | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Kinesiology KINE | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - PE Activity PEAC | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Physical Education PE | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
SLO (PE) - Sports Medicine SMED | Physical Education | O&A Rep - PE |
PLO (PS-PS) - POST Certified Basic Police Academy - CofA | Police Academy | Provost - Hanford |
Program Review - District Police | Police Academy | Director - Police |
Program Review - Police Science | Police Academy | Director - Police |
SLO (PS - PS) - Police Science PS | Police Academy | Director - Police |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
#NAME? | SAMPLE | None? |
PLO (SCI-BIOL) - Biology - AS-T | Science | Dean - Science |
PLO (SCI-CHEM) - Chemistry - AS-T | Science | Chair - Science |
PLO (SCI-GEOL) - Geology - AS-T | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
PLO (SCI-PHYS) - Physics - AS-T | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Astronomy | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Biology | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Chemistry | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Earth Science | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Geography | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Geology | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Natural Sciences | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Physical Sciences | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
Program Review - Physics | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Astronomy ASTR | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Biology BIOL | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Chemistry CHEM | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Earth Science ESCI | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Geography GEOG | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Geology GEOL | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Meteorology MET | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Natural Science NSCI | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Physical Science PSCI | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
SLO (SCI) - Physics PHYS | Science | O&A Rep - Science |
PLO (SOCS-) - Social Justice Studies - Chicana/o Studies for Transfer - AA-T | Social Science | Dean - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-AJ) - Administration of Justice for Transfer - AS-T | Social Science | Chair - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-AJ) - Administration of Justice: Corrections - AS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-AJ) - Administration of Justice: Law Enforcement - AS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-ANTH) - Anthropology - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-ECON) - Economics - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HIST) - History - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Human Services (Social Work) - AS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Human Services (Social Work) - CofA | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Issues in Family Violence CofA | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-HSRV) - Rehabilitation Aide Cert of Completion | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-PHIL) - Philosophy - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-POLS) - Political Science - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-PS) - Law, Public Policy, and Society for Transfer - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-PSY) - Psychology - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (SOCS-SOC) - Sociology - AA-T | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Anthropology | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Economics | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Ethnic Studies | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - History | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Human Services | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Philosophy | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Political Science | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Psychology | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
Program Review - Sociology | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Administration of Justice AJ | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Anthropology ANTH | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Economics ECON | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Ethnic Studies ETHN | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - History HIST | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Human Services HSRV | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Philosophy PHIL | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Political Science POLS | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Psychology PSY | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOCS) - Sociology SOC | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
SLO (SOSC) - Social Science SSCI | Social Science | O&A Rep - Social Science |
PLO (COUN-IS) - Leadership - Skill Cert | Student Services - Counseling | Dean - Student Services (see org chart) |
PLO (STSV) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Health Science - AS | Student Services - Counseling | Chair - Counselling |
PLO (STSV) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Educational Occupations - AA | Student Services - Counseling | O&A Rep - Cournselling |
PLO (STSV) - Liberal Arts: Pathway to Social Behavioral Science - AA | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
PLO (STSV) - University Studies - Pathway to Math and Science - AA | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Access and Ability Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Basic Needs Support Services | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Counseling | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - EOP&S | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Human Development | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Transfer/Career Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Veterans | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Access and Ability Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Cal Works | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Counseling | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - EOP&S | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Transfer and Career Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Veterans Resource Center | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (DVSR) - Developmental Services DVSR | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Counseling COUN | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Human Development HDEV | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Learning Skills LS | Student Services - Counseling | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Admissions & Records | Student Services - Records | Dean - Student Services (see org chart) |
Program Review - Financial Aid | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Resolution and Advocacy Department | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Admissions and Records | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Financial Aid | Student Services - Records | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Dual Enrollment | Student Services - Success | Dean - Student Services (see org chart) |
Program Review - Student Activities & Affairs | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Student Success Program | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Welcome Center | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Dual Enrollment | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Puente | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Student Activities and Affairs | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Student Success Program | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Welcome Center | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
SLO (STSV) - Interdisciplinary Studies IS | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Governance (Senate) - Student | Student Services - Success | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Articulation | Student Services - VP | VP - Student Services |
SAO - Articulation/Assessment | Student Services - VP | VP - Student Services |
SAO - District Police | Student Services - VP | VP - Student Services |
Program Review - Human Resources | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
Program Review - Public Information | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
Program Review - Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - COS Foundation | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - Human Resources | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - Public Information Office | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SAO - Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness | Superintendent/President | Superintendent/President? (following up) |
SLO (WEXP-WEXP) - Work Experience WEXP | Work Experience | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
District Goals | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
District Objectives: 2021-2025 | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
General Education Learning Objectives | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Dean's | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Facilities/Safety | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Instructional | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Management | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Governance (Council) - Senior Management | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Institutional Learning Outcomes | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
PLO (GE) - COS General Education | None | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Program Review - Aeronautics | Inactive Unit | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |
Program Review - New Setup | Inactive Unit | Dean - WEXP & WEXP Coordinator |