Deadline of
Reason for Recalculation Submission
Carry Forward (CF) for Hanford, Tulare and the District is understated.
Three CRNs were miscalculated only on the CF and only partially backed out of the total FTES filed. Specifically, I messed up on a flat file to Excel column creation anytime there were greater than 99 students (3-character length) enrolled at census.
Term 202230 (Summer 2022); CRNs 30620 (10 FTES more for Hanford CF), 31038 (10 FTES more for Tulare CF), and 30369 (10 FTES more for Tulare CF).
Term 202230, CRN 30524 (2.6 FTES more for Hanford CF) was found to not have been generated in the last Banner 320 report. It generated on a test rerun that I did today. This has CF implications.
Term 202230, CRNs 30498/30090 now have positive attendance data entered. This has no CF implications and was documented in the Annual Workspace Document.
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