Default Submission Process
Data Steward informs all Responsible Parties of the cycle beginning 🌪
Programmer Analyst runs report and uploads to the Chancellor’s Office Test Site 🚧
Data Steward sends Error Reports to Responsible Parties 🥳 and they work together to resolve errors 🎉
Programmer Analyst uploads to Chancellor’s Office Production Site and to Argos 🔢
Data Steward sends all Responsible Parties an email asking for review and approval 🧐
Once the review is complete Responsible Parties email and the VP Approver.
- VP approval is required on MIS submissions.
After the review deadline, communicate with the VPs about the status of each report.
- Send each VP a separate email with a list of reports which are not known to have been reviewed. -Decision by Jennifer Vega La Serna, Ron Perez, David Richert
Resubmission Process
- Requires related VP to approve a resubmit. May have cascading effects on funding, subsequent reporting, public information.