Manually update Popsel with a file

Manually update Popsel with a file

If a popsel hasn’t been created in Banner, IT will need to create one for you.

Run the following PL/SQL:

DECLARE     v_application   GENERAL.GLBSLCT.GLBSLCT_APPLICATION%TYPE := 'GENERAL';     v_selection     GENERAL.GLBSLCT.GLBSLCT_SELECTION%TYPE := '<username>'; --use oracle username     v_creator       GENERAL.GLBSLCT.GLBSLCT_CREATOR_ID%TYPE := v_selection;     v_desc          GENERAL.GLBSLCT.GLBSLCT_DESC%TYPE                         := 'Popsel for ' || v_creator; BEGIN     cos_popsel.p_create_popsel (v_application,                                 v_selection,                                 v_creator,                                 v_desc); END;


The user will also need permissions for the following forms in BAM:






  1. Create File

The file should be a .csv file, with a header row and only Banner IDs.

  1. Upload the file to jobsub

    1. Go to GJAJFLU

    2. Enter the GJRPSIM for the JOB and navigate to the .csv file that was created

  1. Go to GJRPSIM

  1. Verify records exist on GLAEXTR.