Report Access by Group

Report Access by Group

Dean Level EIS Reports Access

  1. Accounting and Finance

    1. Budget Summary

    2. Detail Budget

  2. Student Services

    1. Census Enrollment

    2. Early Alert

    3. Student Search

    4. Students by Faculty Course

  3. Academic Services – Access to all reports

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Canceled Courses

    3. Course Master

    4. Course Type Counts & Percentages

    5. Faculty Load

    6. Faculty Office Hours

    7. Faculty Reassignments

    8. Faculty Schedule

    9. FTES Analysis

    10. FTES by Division

    11. Materials Fee

    12. Room Conflict

    13. Room List / Events

    14. Room Schedule

    15. Section Seating

    16. Terms Course Offered

  4. Every Student Counts

    1. Course Fill Pattern

    2. Course Not Offered in 2 Years

    3. FTES Projections

    4. Successful Course Completion Rate

    5. Wait List

    6. Wait List Demand

  5. Human Resources

    1. Employee Leave Balances

  6. Schedule Verification – Access to all reports

    1. Adjunct Faculty Verification

    2. Computed Weeks

    3. Faculty Load Exception

    4. FT Faculty Schedule Verification

    5. Low Enrolled Section

    6. Schedule Exceptions

Dean Level Banner Access


Director Level EIS Reports Access

  1. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Faculty Load

    3. Faculty Office Hours

    4. Faculty Schedule

    5. FTES Analysis

    6. FTES by Division

    7. Materials Fee

    8. Room List/Events

    9. Section Seating

  2. Student Services

    1. Census Enrollment

    2. Student Holds

    3. Student Search

  3. Human Resources

    1. Employee Leave Balances

Director Level Banner Access


Division Chair EIS Reports Access

  1. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Faculty Load

    3. Faculty Office Hours

    4. Faculty Schedule

    5. FTES Analysis

    6. FTES by Division

    7. Materials Fee

    8. Room List/Events

    9. Section Seating

  2. Flex Obligation


  1. Human Resources

    1. Employee Leave Balances

  2. Every student counts


Wait List?


Division Chair Banner Access


FT Faculty EIS Reports Access

  1. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Faculty Office Hours

    3. Faculty Schedule

    4. Section Seating

  2. Flex Obligations

  3. Faculty FLEX hours

  4. Human Resources

    1. Employee leave balance

FT Faculty Banner Access


Adjunct Faculty EIS Reports Access

  1. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Faculty Office Hours

    3. Faculty Schedule

    4. Section Seating

  2. Human Resources

    1. Employee Leave Balances

Adjunct Faculty Banner Access



Academic Resources Specialist/Curriculum EIS Access

  1. Accounting and Finance

    1. Budget Summary

    2. Budget Summary Extended

    3. Detail Budget

  2. Student Groups

    1. Students By Group

  3. Student Service

    1. Student Query

    2. Student Search

    3. Students By Faculty Course


  1. Graduation Counts

  2. Census Enrollment

  3. Daily Student Distribution

  4. High School Analysis

  5. High School Analysis By Term

  6. Athletic Eligibility

  7. Wait List

  8. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Material Fees

    3. Section Seating

    4. Course Master

    5. FTES Analysis

    6. FTES By Division

    7. Room Conflict

    8. Room Schedule

    9. Programs and Majors

    10. Faculty Load

    11. Faculty Office Hours

    12. Faculty Reassignments

    13. Faculty Schedule

    14. Canceled Courses

    15. Room List / Events

    16. Curriculum Inventory

  9. Every Student Counts

    1. Low Enrolled Section

    2. Course Fill Pattern

    3. Courses Not Offered in 2 Years

    4. Wait List

    5. Wait List Demand

    6. Successful Course Completion Rate

    7. FTES Projection

    8. Room Schedule

    9. Daily Student Distribution

    10. Section Fill Rates

  10. Human Resources

    1. Employee Leaves Balances

  11. Schedule Verification

    1. Schedule Exceptions

    2. Low Enrolled Section

    3. Faculty Load

    4. Faculty Load Exception

    5. FT Faculty Schedule Verification

    6. Adjunct Faculty Verification

    7. Computed Weeks


Academic Services Administrative Assistant EIS Report Access

  1. Accounting and Finance

    1. Budget Summary

    2. Budget Summary Extended

    3. Detail Budget

  2. Student Groups

    1. Students By Group

  3. Student Services

    1. Grade Distribution

    2. Student Query

    3. Student Search

    4. Students By Faculty Course

    5. Current Student Count

    6. Graduation Counts

    7. Census Enrollment

    8. Student Holds

    9. Daily Student Distribution

    10. Early Alert

    11. Athletic Eligibility

    12. Wait List

    13. Student Ed Plan Course Demand

  4. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Material Fees

    3. Section Seating

    4. Course Master

    5. FTES Analysis

    6. FTES By Division

    7. Room Conflict

    8. Room Schedule

    9. Faculty Load

    10. Faculty Office Hours

    11. Faculty Reassignments

    12. Faculty Schedule

    13. Canceled Courses

    14. Room List / Events

    15. Terms Course Offered

    16. Course Type Counts & Percentages

  5. Every Student Counts

    1. Low Enrolled Section

    2. Course Fill Pattern

    3. Courses Not Offered in 2 Years

    4. Wait List


  1. Wait List Demand

  2. Successful Course Completion Rate

  3. FTES Projection

  4. Room Schedule

  5. Daily Student Distribution

  6. Section Fill Rates

  7. Successful Course Completion Rate - V2

  8. Human Resources

    1. Employee Leaves Balances

  9. Schedule Verification

    1. Schedule Exceptions

    2. Low Enrolled Section

    3. Faculty Load

    4. Faculty Load Exception

    5. FT Faculty Schedule Verification

    6. Adjunct Faculty Verification

    7. Computed Weeks

  10. Payroll

    1. Overload Payroll

  11. MIS

    1. Employee Comparison


Academic Services Administrative Assistant Banner Access



Scheduling Coordinator EIS Report Access



  1. Accounting and Finance

    1. Budget Summary

    2. Detail Budget

  2. Student Services

    1. Student Enrollment

  3. Academic Services

    1. Academic Calendar

    2. Material Fees

    3. Section Seating

    4. Course Master

    5. FTES Analysis

    6. FTES By Division

    7. Room Conflict


  1. Room Schedule

  2. Faculty Load

  3. Faculty Office Hours

  4. Faculty Schedule

  5. Canceled Courses

  6. Room List / Events

  7. Every Student Counts

    1. Low Enrolled Section

    2. Course Fill Pattern

    3. Wait List

    4. Wait List Demand

    5. Successful Course Completion Rate

    6. Room Schedule

    7. Section Fill Rates

  8. Schedule Verification

    1. Schedule Exceptions

    2. FT Faculty Schedule Verification

    3. Adjunct Faculty Verification