Course Fill Pattern - End User

Course Fill Pattern - End User

End of Term Counts were not stored correctly until Fall 2013.

Data for terms Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020 only exists for Census 1, Census 2 and End of Term up. Other date data for those terms does not exist until 11/05/2020.

Data Source

Data Warehouse (primarily)

Refresh Interval


Functional User

Scheduling Coordinator - Administrative Assistant

Report Owner

VP of Academic Services

What It’s Used For

Lists average enrollment for 3 terms. Providing a date will show the actual enrollment on that date for each course. Leaving the date blank will show the average of enrollment for the entire for each subject.

How To Use

Shows actual enrollment OR enrollment averages for active courses ('A' and 'I') for 3 terms or for a single term. This is based on enrollment numbers for each course for every day of the selected term(s). A checkbox allows you to include section numbers (CRNs) for the courses; this option limits the report to a single term. There is an area to specify a date. If left blank, daily enrollment is pulled for every day of the term and an average enrollment per course is used in the report. If a date is specified, actual enrollment in each section on that date is used in the report. There are 4 ways to run this report:

* 1. Choose a Start Term, leave the checkbox unchecked, and leave the date blank: >Daily enrollment numbers per section of each course for the Start Term are summed and an average is calculated per course. That average is displayed on the report for the Start Term and the next 2 terms. For example, if enrollment for 5 sections of ACCT 011 add up to 100, the average enrollment is calculated as 100 divided by 5, giving 25 average students for ACCT 001.

* 2. Choose a Start Term, check the checkbox and leave the date blank: >Daily enrollment numbers per section of each course for the Start Term are summed and an average is calculated per section (CRN). That average is displayed on the report for the Start Term and the next 2 terms for each section. For example, if there are 5 sections of ACCT 011, there will be 5 rows of ACCT 001 shown, each with an average daily enrollment for that section. This version of the report also shows the maximum enrollment possible and the enrollment percentage of maximum enrollment possible,

* 3. Choose a Start Term, check the checkbox, and specify a date: >Enrollment numbers on the date specified per section of each course for the Start Term are shown per section (CRN). For example, if there are 5 sections of ACCT 011, there will be 5 rows of ACCT 001 shown, each row showing the actual enrollment for that section on the date specified. This version of the report also gives you the waitlist count on that day, enrollment plus the waitlist count, the maximum enrollment possible, and the enrollment plus waitlist percentage of the maximum enrollment possible.

* 4. Choose a Start Term, uncheck the checkbox, and specify a date: >Enrollment numbers on the date specified per section of each course for the Start Term are summed and an average is calculated per course . For example, if enrollment for 5 sections of ACCT 011 add up to 100, the average enrollment is calculated as 100 divided by 5, giving 25 average students for ACCT 001.




Input Element



Input Element

Start Term

Term at which to begin the report. The two terms after this term are also used on the report.

If a date is specified and/or the “Limit to Start Term” checkbox is checked, only the Start Term is used.



An area of study



Course numbers for the selected subject



Location where the course/section is taught



Choose a room for the building and campus selected


Start Time

Choose a start time of the sections scheduled of the subject/course selected

0000 is displayed when no start time is listed on the section(s).



A collection of departments and subjects



An area of study, nearly synonymous with subject



Faculty assigned to sections. Dynamic depending on selection of other parameters.


Enroll count for

Enter: specify a date

Census: a static date based on full term sections. Summer terms are based off Part of Term - S1.

End of Term:

Radio Buttons, Text Box

Enroll Count For

Enter: enter a date on which you want to see the enrollment for the selected course Census: will show the enrollment on the census date of each term End of Term: will show the enrollment on the last day of class in each term. * Note -- due to a programming error, end of term counts were not stored correctly until the Fall 2013 term and beyond.


Checkboxes or Options

If checked, the report will show all sections of each course, and the enrollment in each section

Report Columns






Subject and course number


For the selected term: If an enroll date was provided, this will be the actual enrollment of the course on the enroll date. If no date provided, then this is the average enrollment of all sections of the course.

Term 1

For the selected term: If an enroll date was provided, this will be the actual enrollment of the course on the enroll date. If no date provided, then this is the average enrollment of all sections of the course

Term 2

For the term after the selected term: If an enroll date was provided, this will be the actual enrollment of the course on the enroll date. If no date provided, then this is the average enrollment of all sections of the course.

Term 3

For the the second term after the selected term: If an enroll date was provided, this will be the actual enrollment of the course on the enroll date. If no date provided, then this is the average enrollment of all sections of the course.

Actual Enroll

When a date is provided and the checkbox is checked, this is the actual enrollment for the section on the date specified

Wait List

When a date is specified and the checkbox checked, this is the count of students who were on the wait list for the section on that date

Enroll Plus Waitlist

When a date is specified and the checkbox checked, this is the actual enrollment plus the count of students on waitlist for the section on that date

Max Possible

When a date is specified and the checkbox checked, this is the maximum enrollment possible for the section on that date

Enroll Plus Waitlist Percent of Max

When a date is specified and the checkbox checked, this is the enrollment plus the count of students on waitlist for the section on that date divided by the maximum possible enrollment


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