The Process

Default Submission Process

  1. Data Steward informs all Responsible Parties of the cycle beginning

  2. Programmer Analyst runs report and uploads to the Chancellor’s Office Test Site

  3. Data Steward sends Error Reports to Responsible Parties and they work together to resolve errors

  4. Programmer Analyst uploads to Chancellor’s Office Production Site and to Argos

  5. Data Steward sends all Responsible Parties an email asking for review and approval

  6. Once the review is complete Responsible Parties email and the VP Approver.

  1. VP approval is required on MIS submissions.
  1. After the review deadline, communicate with the VPs about the status of each report.

  1. Send each VP a separate email with a list of reports which are not known to have been reviewed. -Decision by Jennifer Vega La Serna, Ron Perez, David Richert Sep 13, 2023

Resubmission Process

  1. Requires related VP to approve a resubmit. May have cascading effects on funding, subsequent reporting, public information.