Chancellor's Office Correspondence
- Jordan Lamb
This email is a follow-up to the MIS update webinar presented on April 13, 2021.
The recording of the webinar is available at
I have attached the slides to this message and they are also available at
As promised during the webinar, we have compiled the following responses to questions posted to the chat in the webinar and received afterwards...
Questions regarding file submission requirements
Will SL file submissions be required for term 210 which will be submitted in October 2021 and cover placements which occurred between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021?
Yes. College placement information for all students during that period must be something that the college has access to in order to operate. This may involve some imperfect translation in the first year from existing information that the colleges have collected, but the colleges and the system have reporting requirements for placement that must be met.
Will AA file submissions be required for term 210 which will be submitted in October 2021 and cover adult education outcomes which occurred between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021?
If colleges have the information necessary for the AA file submission available, the AA file should be submitted for term 210. Additionally, all colleges should continue to submit educational functioning level data (SA07) for all adult education students in the student assessment (SA) file submission for term 210.
Questions regarding Credit for Prior Learning
If there were no evaluations of Credit for Prior Learning in a given reporting period, would the SY file be excluded from the term submission?
Given the scope of Credit for Prior Learning and Credit by Exam as defined in ESS 20-300-001 and the revisions to § 55050. Credit for Prior Learning available as part of a broader set of resources in the CPL Implementation Toolkit in the Credit for Prior Learning Community on the Vision Resource Center, it should be rare for there to be no evaluations of Credit for Prior Learning in a given reporting period. In the case where a district has no evaluations of Credit for Prior Learning during a reporting term, the SY file will not be required. (The district may have to confirm that there were no evaluations of Credit for Prior Learning at the time of MIS data submission).
Should articulated course agreements with high schools be included here?
If those articulated course agreements lead to the evaluation and potential awarding of college credit to students, yes. Such credit should be coded as SY02 = Z (Other).
Should other college course credit evaluation be included as well?
If that evaluation can lead to the awarding of college credit to students, yes, for all evaluation under which students could be awarded college course credit. If the method of evaluation does not fit under any of the existing categories in SY02, such credit should be coded as SY02 = Z (Other).
Questions regarding Student Placement
How should math placements be classified as B-STEM or SLAM? For example, reporting SL02 for some math placements could be either for value B (B-STEM) and C (SLAM).
Under conditions where student placement is identical for different possible mathematics pathways, the placement would be reported in two records, one coded as BSTEM and one coded as SLAM.
How do you distinguish between three different types of self-guided placements in SL04? Are there guidelines or examples of “guided”, “guided-self”, and “self” placements? In the case where a student completes a placement questionnaire and provide their HS levels and grades for math and English, should this be coded as “guided”, “guided-self”, or “self” placements?
Guided placement is a process or tool used to encourage students to reflect on their academic history and educational goals that may include student evaluating their familiarity and comfort with topics in English or mathematics. After completing the process, students receive a placement from the college that determines courses to which they have access.
Guided self-placement is similar except, at the end of the process, students are provided a recommended placement level but are then free to choose what level of course in which to enroll.
Self-placement could involve a similar process or tool, but is a process in which students ultimately choose their placement after consideration of some form of self-reflection and other relevant factors where no course recommendation is made by the college.
Does student enrollment in a particular math/English/ESL class count for self-placement?
For the purposes of SL reporting, the level of placement would be the level of course students received placement into or, in the case of recommended placements, were recommended to take. If no placement was provided or recommended, report the highest course level open to student in SL06 (the first among the listed levels).
If a placement has multiple course options made available to students, including some courses which would require co-requisite support and some courses which do not, which value of SL06 should be assigned to the placement?
Under most circumstances, these students should be considered assigned to that level without support, similar to the question above. However, again as above, if the college is in some way recommended that a student take the course with support, then that college should consider that placement to be a transfer-level placement with support recommended.
As a reminder, MIS data submissions will be closed for scheduled maintenance from Monday May 10 through Friday May 21.
If you have questions regarding MIS data submission, please send them to
Todd Hoig
Director of Management Information Systems
Digital Innovation & Infrastructure
O (916) 445-8505
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
1102 Q Street, Sacramento, California 95811