1. We have not submitted SA since MIS 2020.


There was no source data as placement testing was obsoleted to due AB705 and Multiple Measures.


Siskiyous only stopped because all testing switched to Mult-Measures, which has no MIS code. The MIS DED’s current list of testing codes expires in 2021. I thought there was some funding in SA per a Dean at Siskiyous, but I could be wrong – again.

-TJ Baugus, 8/13/21


From: Cooc, Mei <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 8:56 AM
To: Charley Chiang <>; CCC MISEDIT <>
Subject: RE: Question re: SA file


We are not aware of any documentations and/or memo requiring SA submissions. 



Mei Cooc


Digital Innovation and Infrastructure

O (916) 327-5883

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

1102 Q Street, Sacramento, California 95811


From: Charley Chiang <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 7:23 PM
Subject: Question re: SA file 

Hi, Mei!  Hope you’re well.  We here at Kern haven’t submitted a SA file since I took over MIS duties back in 2011. I vaguely recall my predecessor telling me we didn’t have to submit the SA because at that time we had switched to AccuPlacer which we’re no longer using.  Do you have any documentation or memos regarding the submission requirements for SA beyond what’s in the data element dictionary?  Thank you!


Charley Chiang

ERP Analyst

Kern Community College District